Size of breast lump.

Hi All

I am wondering if anyone has the actual lump size, I have been told that my large one is 44mm and a bit coming off it is 17mm, so I think it sounds big, lymph nodes seem to be clear in both breasts, and nothing in my left breast, since I noticed the lump I keep thinking it’s got bigger but it’s probably me worrying about it.

love to hear from anyone about there size lump.

  • Hi  ,

    When I was diagnosed at the start of December they measured my tumour as 14mm but the time I had surgery at the start of January it was 22mm. I did ask if it had grown that much in that time period and was told that the ultrasound measurement isn't always accurate. When I felt my lump before diagnosis I thought it felt much bigger than the 14mm or even the 22mm it felt massive.

    I had one swollen node too and when they carried out the axillary node clearance I ended up with 2 / 15 positive.

  • Hello Dino1000

    I found the lump on New Year’s Eve, saw my Doctor on the Tuesday, referred to breast clinic on the 18th Jan, I had a mammogram on that day also a ultra sound with 2 biopsies, at my next appointment on Thursday they confirmed that I was grade 2 invasive ductol carcinoma er8 positive and pr8 positive, her2 waiting for results, at this, the consultant said I would have to have a CT scan and a MRI, I have had the CT scan but the MRI, isn’t until Sat 10th Feb,, the lump in my right breast feels like an egg, it’s just under the skin, just need a date for surgery, I am the same worried about it getting bigger, did you have a lumpectomy, not certain on what surgery they will suggest.

    Are you ok after your surgery.


  • Hi Ann,

    Yes I had a wide local excision lumpectomy and axillary node clearance at the same time. The surgeon went in through the one vertical scar down my side from the arm pit to level with the bottom of my breast. So from the outside it doesn't look like I've had anything done or even removed. When he went back in he opened the same scar again to get the clear margins. I wasn't overly bothered with the type of surgery he was going to do I assumed he was just going to suggest a mastectomy and in my head that's what I was getting as I just wanted it out of there. He said I didn't need it so I was happy to take his lead on it all. Mine is ER+, PR+ and HER2 negative. I haven't had an MRI or CT yet but I have asked as I would like to know if it is anywhere else. 

    I was fine after the first surgery but got my drain out at 1 week and then got a massive seroma under my armpit. He removed that during thr second surgery but I got another even bigger seroma which has been drained twice. My breast looked 3 times the size and was under pressure. It's not pleasant at all and was worse than the surgery itself. Doesn't impact everything though. I have other health issues and my immune system is in overdrive coming off immune suppressants. 

    Keep me posted on a date for your surgery. If you need to ask anything about it let me know. 


  • Hi Poppy81, sorry that you find yourself here. I was diagnosed on 18th December. Mine is a grade 2 IDC in left breast 30mm. The original ultrasound said 22mm, then the biopsy said 30. Now I've had lumpectomy I expect a totally different size when I get the results. I didn't find the surgery too bad and have recovered well. But oh my goodness, the waiting! I have a 6 week wait for results. Literally going mad waiting. I hope your surgery goes well. 

  • Hi BlueSatsuma,

    Thank you so much for messaging me.

    I have the same as you, grade 2 IDC but mine is 44mm with a bit a-joined 17mm, so far I have had a mammogram, then a ultra sound with two biopsies,  I have also had a ct scan, with MRI this Sat10th, my left breast was clear and also the lymph nodes were clear, the consultant/surgeon is phoning me tomorrow, so I am hoping they have a plan for what’s next.

    i went to the GP on 2nd Jan, my first appointment was the 18th, Jan, that’s when I had the biopsies done, he as good as told me on that day that it was suspected cancer, had to go back on the 25Jan when he arranged for CT scan and MRI, and said he would phone me on 8th Jan so that’s tomorrow.

    I just want it gone, I am not worried about having either a lumpectomy or the whole breast removed, and it’s good to hear the operation wasn’t so bad, did you go home on the same day as your operation.

    I have also got a squamous cell carcinoma on my right leg, and need plastic surgery, I am meeting plastic surgeon on Friday, just don’t want one thing delaying the other.

    I am getting anxious waiting for some surgery dates, how long did you wait from being diagnosed.

    Look after yourself.


  • Hello Blue satsuma

    Have you had any news yet.

    Have they told you the size of the lump removed yet or are you still waiting.

    What happens after the operation, do you have outpatients appointments still, and who changes the dressing, I am just curious and it’s nice to have an idea about what happens.

    when I had my MRI, I noticed before that my face looked drooped on one side, and I had to have a mask I couldn’t close my eye on that side, the scan was just awful 50 mins full body scan.

    I tried to ring 111 on the Sunday but waited ages so I gave up, and message GP surgery to phone me, I also sent a photo, on Monday I was sent straight to hospital with suspected stroke, but thankfully they managed to look at my scan from Sat, ir was clear and showed no sign of a stroke thank goodness, but I was diagnosed with bells pulsey, so on steroids for 10 days, last day today, I can’t have surgery while on steroids, but I met with my surgeon on Monday he has put me on tablets to shrink the lump while ai am waiting, and as soon as the steroids are out of my system, I will be booked for lumpectomy, most probably sent to USA to see if I would benefit from chemo, so at least things are moving, I am also waiting to have squamous cell removed from my leg and a skin graft, not certain what will be done first.

    I do hope things are ok with you and each day an improvement, it’s nice to talk with you as your cancer is the same as mine, are you having any chemo or radiotherapy or taking or on the tablets mine are called letrazole 2.5 mg at night, I feel ok so far.

    I hope you don’t mind me messaging you.

    Take care


  • Hi Ann, no news yet for me. I'm on week 4 post operation and 2 more weeks until the results appointment. I believe that I will get to know more about the tumour than but that it will be sent to America for oncotype after that. Therefore more waiting!

    The lumpectomy and sentinel node op is fine and recovery is straightforward for most. You won't get aftercare. I was told to just take my dressings off 7 to 10 days after and ring nurses if I had any concerns. Stitches dissolved under skin. My scars are very thin and neat. 

    Bels Palsy sounds unpleasant. I hope you are feeling better and get your treatment all started soon. Let us know how you get on. X

  • Hi 

    You are getting there, it’s the waiting that’s the worst bit, but hopefully your results will be ok.

    i have a date for my leg surgery, 7th March day surgery as a day case, so at least one thing is being done, I think as soon as they see the graft has taken, I will have a date for my breast surgery, at least I am on the tablets to shrink the lump.

    There has been so many hurdles along the way, the bells pulsey is improving each day but slowly..

    You have made me feel more confident about having the lumpectomy.

    I hope you continue to improve.

    Best wishes


  • Hi Ann. I'm so glad you feel a bit more confident about your lumpectomy. I was so scared but it really was fine. I was on a bit of a high afterwards! I felt proud of myself for being brave. You will too. Hope the leg surgery goes well and that the bells palsey goes soon. X

  • Can we discuss ur diagnosis a bit more? X