Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Hi, I’m new to this forum and just wanted to share my story and reach out to others in a similar situation.

I was diagnosed with ductal breast cancer, grade 3, that is oestrogen receptor positive in November and was told that the lump was approximately 11mm.  I had a lumpectomy at the beginning of the month and two sentinel nodes were removed during surgery also.  I had my results last week and there were three tumours and non-invasive cancer cells (DCIS) totalling 47mm, which is much larger than first thought.  Margins were not achieved and cancer was present in both nodes, which means I need another operation to remove some more tissue and, hopefully, achieve the margins and remove all of my axilla lymph nodes.  The op is planned for the end of February.

Since my diagnosis, I’ve gone through every emotion possible but I’m trying to stay positive and strong.  I’ve explored having a mastectomy but my consultant doesn’t think it’s necessary at this time as I have a lot of breast tissue so it should be possible to achieve the margins.  I am struggling with not knowing what is best but wanting to trust in my consultant.  My mum died from secondary breast cancer when she was just a little younger than I am now (she was 54, I am 57) and it was only two years from diagnosis of primary cancer to her death.  It’s hard not to draw comparisons and worry that things may progress quickly although I know that things have moved on in the past 30 years.

I’ve reached out to the breast cancer nurses at my hospital and they have helped to reassure me but I still have lots of thoughts running through my head, especially when I wake half way through the night.  I have an appointment on Thursday for pre-op counselling where they will tell me exactly what will happen during the operation and this is also an opportunity to ask more questions.  My first op was done as day surgery and I recovered well but this time I will need to remain in hospital overnight and will be discharged with a drain, so I’m expecting a slightly longer recovery period.

The hardest period is the three week wait for results and waiting for the next plan to be put in place.  It is so much easier when I know the next step.

  • Hi Lara

    It’s lovely to hear a positive outcome and I am so glad that you are recovered. I hope you don’t mind me asking, but have you had any problems with lymphoedema since having your lymph nodes removed thank you for reaching out. Mich xx

  • Mich 

    I had full auxiliary node  clearance , honestly webt great no pain the only thing that was a nuisance with that operation is that you have a drain for a few days afterwards, however this didn’t stop me in my tracks I just put a Dre’s over the top and off out and carried on as normal , these operations are quite easy I promise you , they are usually day ops and home sane day , I have occasional numbness and your underarm does feel slightly different to how it was before , I have a scar but it’s so faded now can’t hardly notice it at all xx 

    you having a lumpectomy? 

    love Lara xxx

  • Hi Lara.  I’ve  already had a lumpectomy and going in for a re-excision to have a little more removed and a full axillary node clearance. First op was done as day surgery but will be in overnight this time. I recovered really well after first op so hoping that it’s the same second time around so it’s good to hear that you were able to carry on even with drain in.  Thanks Mich

  • Hi Mich 

    I was diagnosed October 23 invasive ductal and invasive lobular ER positive PR and Her2 neg.  I had lumpectomy 30 th nov but the surgeon did not get clear margins.  Also had MRI.   Lymph nodes clear thankfully.  Just had second surgery to remove more 11 th Jan.  My tumor went from 11 mm to 29 mm and I just felt like goal post moved every time.  Second surgery returned clear margins but I have been told I do need chemotherapy and radiotherapy.  Oncology not till 19 th feb. the wait is agonizing and I worry that rogue cells are traveling around my body and it will just spread my worries made worse by having clots around incision scar and in breast post surgery which I have to massage to disperse.  Every cough or ache panics me.  It is so hard to be waiting around.  I just want to get on with treatment.   I am 53 and was having yearly mammograms due to family history.  I always thought any lump would be found early.  Quick surgery maybe radiotherapy but am so shocked this is not the case. 

    lt helps to be able to talk to others going through similar xx 

  • Offline in reply to NGS

    Hi NGS.  I’m glad that your second surgery has achieved clear margins.  I hope that your treatment starts soon and it goes well but, I agree, the waiting around is the worse.  Try not to worry about what might be, which is what I keep telling myself, and just deal with what is happening one stage at a time.  I think that is all we can do.  Keeping busy will help to distract you from constantly thinking the worse. Good luck.

  • Hi Mich and everyone else on this thread. I'm in a similar situation, terrified and hating the waiting. I had lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy 2 weeks ago. My tumour is grade 2 30mm and an IDC hr+ and her2-. I'm now waiting for the results, hoping that my margins are clear and my nodes are cancer free. I have no advice but just wanted to say good luck for clear margins in the upcoming surgery and I'm sure the axillary clearance will be okay. Keep us all posted. X

  • Hi BlueSatsuma. I hope your are feeling okay after your op, although, I know the wait for results is awful. Hopefully, your results appointment is soon as you are two weeks post op. Fingers crossed that margins have been achieved and nodes are clear.  Good luck. xx

  • Offline in reply to Mich57S

    Hi everyone.  Fingers crossed you get clear results and can start next part of your treatment plans.  Good luck Mich for upcoming surgery.  I found recovery post second surgery for re excision easier than initial surgery.  They used same scar and as before I ensured I did arm exercises routinely to help with lymphoedema.  I’ve had notification today of what seems like long road ahead. Chemotherapy. Radiotherapy plus radio boost. Immunotherapy ( letrazole ) boosted min 7 years and adjuvant Zometa.   However I’m positive as all of this treatment is designed to prevent recurrence so I’ll happily take that

    good luck everyone

    Norma xx    

  • Offline in reply to NGS

    Hi NGS. Glad to hear your recovery after second op was good.  It’s good that you have a plan for treatment and, whilst it is a long road ahead, at least you’re getting the treatment that you need. Good luck and I hope the treatment goes well. Mich