Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Hi, I’m new to this forum and just wanted to share my story and reach out to others in a similar situation.

I was diagnosed with ductal breast cancer, grade 3, that is oestrogen receptor positive in November and was told that the lump was approximately 11mm.  I had a lumpectomy at the beginning of the month and two sentinel nodes were removed during surgery also.  I had my results last week and there were three tumours and non-invasive cancer cells (DCIS) totalling 47mm, which is much larger than first thought.  Margins were not achieved and cancer was present in both nodes, which means I need another operation to remove some more tissue and, hopefully, achieve the margins and remove all of my axilla lymph nodes.  The op is planned for the end of February.

Since my diagnosis, I’ve gone through every emotion possible but I’m trying to stay positive and strong.  I’ve explored having a mastectomy but my consultant doesn’t think it’s necessary at this time as I have a lot of breast tissue so it should be possible to achieve the margins.  I am struggling with not knowing what is best but wanting to trust in my consultant.  My mum died from secondary breast cancer when she was just a little younger than I am now (she was 54, I am 57) and it was only two years from diagnosis of primary cancer to her death.  It’s hard not to draw comparisons and worry that things may progress quickly although I know that things have moved on in the past 30 years.

I’ve reached out to the breast cancer nurses at my hospital and they have helped to reassure me but I still have lots of thoughts running through my head, especially when I wake half way through the night.  I have an appointment on Thursday for pre-op counselling where they will tell me exactly what will happen during the operation and this is also an opportunity to ask more questions.  My first op was done as day surgery and I recovered well but this time I will need to remain in hospital overnight and will be discharged with a drain, so I’m expecting a slightly longer recovery period.

The hardest period is the three week wait for results and waiting for the next plan to be put in place.  It is so much easier when I know the next step.

  • HI Mich,

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    I am sorry to hear that your surgeon didn't achieve a clear margin and that your lymph nodes are affected. I have had 2 bouts of breast cancer and have had a lumpectomy, followed by a double mastectomy, the following year. I didn't have clear margins after my lumpectomy, but my surgeon assured me that he had realised this at the time and taken more away, so he was confident that he didn't need to do another operation. I often wonder if he was wrong and that this might be why I had another primary in the same breast, only a year later. I know how frustrating it is to have to undergo more surgery, but hopefully this will save you from finding yourself in my position. Unfortunately, it is not unusual to have all sorts of emotions at this stage. Things will get easier, as you recover and start treatment.

    I am sorry to hear that you lost your mum to secondary cancer. I lost my mum to this too. Twelve years after her primary diagnosis, it had spread to her brain, bones, liver and lungs. It is hard not to draw comparisons. I did this too, but there was just no comparison between the diagnostics, treatment and after care which we both experienced. Cancer care has really come a long way in the interval and I am fortunate enough to still lead a busy and fulfilling life, 14 years on from diagnosis.

    The wait is never easy. Try to keep yourself busy, whether with work or pleasure - anything to take your mind off the wait. You will find it helpful to write down any questions you have before an appointment, as it is all too easy to forget something important, during a consultation.

    I hope that all goes well this time around and that a clear margin is achieved,

    Please keep in touch and remember that we are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Jolamine

    Thank you for taking the time to respond, it is great to hear that you are leading a full life 14 years on. That gives me hope.  I have returned to work between operations to give me some routine and  normality and something else to think about and it’s the best decision for me.  


  • Hi Mich, sorry to hear that you're having to go through a second surgery, hope the next one goes well. I was diagnosed on 18th December with invasive ductal carcinoma. Two lumps one with lobular tendencies.  I'm also HER2 positive so need chemo first and Herceptin, then mastectomy and radiotherapy. Mri showed cells in another area of same breast, so had further biopsies today. I agree waiting for results is awful, I'm now waiting for ct scan results ( stressed about this one) as well as current biopsies. Also waiting for oncology appointment, just want to get on with it now. Wish you well moving forward. Xx

  • HI Mich,

    I went back to work too and found that this was the best solution for me. I did eventually have to stop for a while, after I started hormone therapy, as I couldn't sleep and was totally fatigued throughout the day.

    I hope that you get the news you want this time around.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. Remember that we are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Pippin.  It sounds like you are having a rough time and lots to cope with. Wouldn’t it be great if results were instant but stay busy and give yourself something else to focus on. Fingers crossed for more positive results to come and good luck with your treatment and surgery.  Wishing you well. xx

  • Thank you, all the tests and waiting for treatment is quite emotionly draining. Got a letter yesterday to say oncology appointment was 26th February, felt do deflated that it was so far away. However, got a phone later same day to say it's been moved forward to the 14th February. I'm apparently on high priority (a bit scary), could even get moved forward again if an appointment becomes availabl. Good luck for your upcoming surgery, hope all goes well. Xx

  • 14th February is better and less time for you to worry. Good luck and try to stay positive. Worrying about what may be is much worse than actually knowing and having a plan in place. Xx

  • It was actually diagnosed 28th January, not December.

  • Thank you and good luck with your next surgery x

  • Hi mich 

    sorry to hear your story , I had breast cancer in July 22 long time ago now , you will bounce back and life turns back to normal it may not seem like that now but it do .

    I also had all lymph nodes removed in a second operation just on left side 

    hete to help or chat lovey big hugs love Lara xx