Triple negative breast cancer

Hello I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer yesterday.

I am 51 tomorrow. Having a PET scan for my birthday.

Chemo to start soon. 

Love to all

  • Hello, I was diagnosed with breast cancer on 18th Jan, found a lump on New Year’s Eve, saw my Doctor on 1st Jan, he referred me to the breast clinic, on the  18th Jan I had a mammogram, then a ultra sound and during this time two biopsies, had a further appointment on Jan 25,th I met with consultant and Nurse he explained that it was what they thought, I have a lump that is 38mm x 30 mm and a smaller bit coming off it that’s 17mm, I was told the next plan of action a ct scan and MRI, my CT scan is tomorrow Wed Jan 31st, and my MRI is on Feb 10th, on Feb 8th the consultant is going to ring me, I think he was hoping for scan results, but my scan is two days after the phone call.

    The consultant said it will confirm if I need chemo, so I assume chemo before operation, on my first visit he did say next visit I will possibly give you a date for surgery, but the plan seemed to have changed.

    I am not looking forward to MRI, but I will have to deal with it, the appointment is for 70minutes.

    I hope you are moving forward with your plan, it’s such a worrying time, going into the unknown.

    Best Wishes 


  • I had my mri today was awful, now to wait for chemo x 

  • Sorry to hear your diagnosis.

    i was diagnosed with tnbc in April last year, aged 55.

    ive had my chemo, lumpectomy with clear margins and 10mm residual, and have just completed my radiotherapy. My RT review is next week. Originally I was going to continue with Cape and immunotherapy, but we will be discussing the Tropion 3 trial. 
    Hang in there. It’s tough but doable. xxx

  • Hello Ann x I hope I will know the plan tomorrow x 

    I've had an appointment sent me with the breast surgery team so not sure if my plan has changed either.

    Keeo in touch x 


  • I have had a few MRI in the past for my back.

    I agree it’s not a nice experience, I will close my eyes before the shunt through the tunnel, and keep them closed throughout the scan, don’t understand why they can’t have feet first, at least our head would be slightly out.

    Its like being in a washing machine but magnets clonking together is horrid, for your CT scan did you have to drink a 1l of water an hour before, and no food or hot drinks for four hours before.

    just wish I was having the MRI scan sooner, I have to wait ten days.

    have a relaxing evening.


  • It’s frustrating when the plan changes, I think after my scans the decision is if I have chemo before or after,, or at all.

     Maybe he wants to shrink the lump before surgery, I am not sure, but everything is swimming around in my head, I hope every thing goes well for you, keep me up to date.


  • No the CT was really fast, they put a cannula on and put dye in your body first x

  • HI Ann,

    It helps tremendously if they play some loud music. when you are going through the MRI tunnel. I find Meatloaf's "Bat out of Hell" great for this - it hides a lot of the clunks. They have access to a lot of different music for this, so don't be afraid to ask. If it's not up loud enough, it doesn't work so well, so make sure that they turn the volume up.

    Kind regards,


  • I have just had a very late breakfast, as nothing to eat and no milky drinks for four hours, and I have to drink 1L of water an hour before, I am not so worried about the CT scan, it’s more the MRI.

    pleased it doesn’t take long, glad you were ok. X

  • Hi Poppy,

    I hope that it all goes well.

    Jolamine xx