I went in for a routine mammogram screening first time on December 4th. I was called back for further assessment on December 15th. I had further mammogram screening, ultrasound and biopsy taken on my left breast. The radiologist said it would be either radial scar or cancer. I asked her what was likely to be from the shape, size and characteristic based on her expertise and experience, she said she was 90% positive it was cancer but in the back of her mind there was a slim chance that it might be radial scar. She reassured me that it was small and she was not worried when she saw the scan. I felt profoundly sad and start dealing with the situation then. I was called in for the biopsy result which confirmed that I have Grade II invasive lobular cancer and I will need further MRI scan because the cancer may spread further and was not detected by the mammogram and ultrasound. Since then I became conscious with every ache and pain I have had during the past two years (e.g. lumbar pain, pelvic pain, and shoulder pain). I feel like I am back to where I was before and expected the worst would happen. I will have MRI scan tomorrow and get the result the next day, which is also the same day I will see the consultant. Thank you so much for giving me the platform to talk about this.