Newbie stage 2 breast cancer

Good morning all,

I have put off using any chat forums etc - however now my surgery date 25 Jan is approaching I have so many questions and hoping I can get answers from people that have are going through this

im having a mastectomy with diep flap surgery then will have radiotherapy- unsure how many sessions 

many guidance is greatly appreciated 

also is it realistic me hoping to enjoy a holiday in September 

  • Thanks very much - I have my pre op appointment tomorrow- I haven’t booked anything I’m just hoping I can .  My consultant has told me off for repeatedly asking for timelines

  • Hi Frantastic,

    I hope that your assessment goes well tomorrow. It can be difficult for a consultant to give accurate timelines at this stage. As I mentioned before, treatments can change after your post-surgery pathology results come back and timelines can change if there are any problems with treatments.

    I hope that all goes well on 25th. Please let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • How did your pre op go? I had mine on weds, im approved for DIEP but I didn't have as much fat in my tummy as they'd hoped, so they will still go ahead but my left boob will be a lot smaller than my right. I have CT scan monday just to check the arteries in my tummy will be suitable and then fingers crossed will go ahead 24 Jan as planned. The pre op took all afternoon, I've never had so many appointments!!! Everyone was very thorough about explaining everything to me. Hope yours was OK too x

  • All went well, I have plenty fat so no concerns there lol - my surgery is now 25 Jan confirmed - I’m with you on the appointments, I’ve officially gone sick from work as need to focus on this and attend all the appointments 

    I had the CT scan a weird sensation as they inject a substance that makes you feel warm etc - goes quickly though.

    off for another blood test now

  • Glad yours is all approved too, the first 24 hours sound very intense, half an hour checks! My hospital is an hour away from home and I have to go there for all my follow ups too, plus back for the CT scan Monday, bit of a pain but can't complain. I'm working right up until the day before, but mainly admin/at home rather than in service (support worker) so that's really helped with the flexibility, holding out til the last min for my 10 weeks sick pay!!

  • Hi Annielouise,

    I'm glad to hear that you've had your pre-op and that everyone explained things properly. I'm glad to hear that the operation can still go ahead and hope that the CT shows the arteries to be suitable.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Frantastic,

    I'm glad to hear that you are all ready for surgery now and that it is confirmed. You will find it helpful to have clothing that opens at the front instead of items that you need to pull over your head at first.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi      

    I too am having a Diep soon. No firm date yet, though I've done all of the pre op stuff.  I was actually due to have it on the 2nd of January after 8 weeks of waiting for my genetic testing results to come back. Unfortunately though I picked up covid, so was sent home on the morning of surgery. Was actually very relieved as I felt so rough and the doctors strikes were happening the following day. 

    It's really good to read posts like this where others are going through the same things. I've found it enormously helpful. 

    I've just no idea what to expect post surgery. Hoping I'll be able to get back to normal soonish?! And also keen to book a holiday 

    How have you found the tamoxifen? 

    Wishing you both well xx


  • Hi Annielouise lovely to read your message- seems everyone is treated very differently- I was on tamoxifen until last Sunday and dare I say I managed ok on it, except waking up at 4am most mornings- I have noticed how very very tired I am too 

    I hope all goes well and having found this chat has really helped me - I’m trying to carry on as normal but sometimes just sometimes it gets hard 

  • Wrenny and frantastic, I've joined a really good Facebook group called diep reconstruction uk, I'd definitely recommend 

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