Stomach cancer

My partner has just been diagnosed with cancer of the gullet and stomach with it also spreading to his other organs and because he is 86 years old they are not doing any surgery or Chemotherapy as the doctors have said he couldn’t tolerate the treatment   So now I am at a loss at what to do for the best and how to help him 

  • Welcome to the forum Jangelaa although I'm really sorry to hear of your partner's diagnosis and that the doctors have decided not to do any treatment.

    This must be a very upsetting and scary time for you both but the Cancer Chat community are here for you and I'm sure it won't be long until some of our members stop by to offer their support and advice.

    If you'd like to discuss your partner's situation with one of our cancer nurses, you can do so on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m. They will do all they can to answer your questions and support you at this time.

    We're thinking of you Jangelaa and sending all our strength your way.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • I’m sorry to read this, my husband who’s 80 had his stomach removed due to stomach cancer last Jan, he didn’t have chemo due to his age, I think the main reason for not operating on you partner is because it’s spread. Are they not offering palliative chemo. I’d phone up the upper GI nurse and ask a few questions.  I e mail my husbands nurse they’re very helpful, I find e mailing better than phoning. Again I’m very sorry that there’s no operation but I’m sure there must be something to be done. Good luck x