Thymic cancer

Hello everyone… I’m a newbie, but not when it comes to my condition.July 2022 I was taken to hospital by ambulance with chest pains. X-ray showed a mass in my chest. Went through shed loads of tests and scans. Told in September 2022 that I had Thymic cancer. Never heard of before. I was told it’s rare,  and that’s what I immediately latched onto. I’ve been scared… still I have no idea what it’s all about. Looking back I now feel that I must bumbled along through treatment, and stuck my head in the sand. I had a Thymectomy last October, and treatment advised was 6 weeks of radiotherapy. I felt such a fraud. I didn’t look ill compared to other patients having treatment, and felt like an imposter. The radiotherapy really knocked me sideways. Finally at the end of June 2023, I was given the all clear. Next action will be base line testing agin in December. I’ve been plodding along with life since, but it seems to have hit me harder this time round. I’m not sure how to describe it, but it took less time coming to terms with diagnosis, as opposed to all clear. Not sounds daft, but “how do they know”? Maybe it’s a coping mechanism… I just can’t accept that it’s gone. These last 4 weeks, I’ve been feeling increasingly u well. I can’t put my finger in it,  it today… I feel like I’ve just banged my head against the wall and having chest pains. Is it just a cold or is it worse? The mind plays awful tricks on you when going through something like this. I remember even saying to the Radiograohy nurse that I felt an imposter. She rightly woke me up to the fact that not every illness or cancer is visible. Such try words, but I still felt guilty. Does anyone else on here have experience of Thymic Cancer? Big love to you all.  

  • Hi Amanda,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm glad you found the forum and I hope it can be helpful for you. I can understand how you feel and I know it is something many others have experienced. Perhaps during treatment you always had the next steps to take and the plans in place, and then afterwards you lose a bit of that structure and I'm sure the worries can play on your mind.

    Of course if you ever have concerns about your feelings or any symptoms, do get in touch with your doctor, who will always be best placed to advise.

    You can try searching the forum (using the bar at the top of the page) for other relevant discussions, if you haven't already. Otherwise, hopefully you'll get some more replies here soon.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator