Immucura Dendricht Cell Therapy

Hi all,

Has anyone had any contact with a Spanish company named Immucura who offer immunotherapy by way of Dendricht Cell Therapy? I have enquired with them about their services as I am impressed with their method of cancer fighting. However, as they are based in Spain and quote a private fee of over £30,000, I am wanting to see if this is a genuine company. 

  • Hi Justice, 

    I noticed you had a question about Immucura Dentritic Cell Therapy so I just wanted to stop by and share some information that I hope will be useful.

    As you are aware, this is a new treatment and as such is not yet available on the NHS, however, there are clinical trials being carried out in some NHS hospitals that are looking into the benefits of adding this treatment to standard therapies, and it will be interesting to see what the trials show in the future.

    Until the evidence shows the advantage of the treatment (or otherwise), we are unable to say whether it is worth pursuing this route but we would always advise caution in looking to obtain unproven treatments through a private organisation, particularly overseas companies such as the one you mention as clinics offering non approved treatments for payment in a non-regulated way are likely to be solely driven by monetary return and are not acting in the patient’s best interest. You can find out more in this article:

    We would always recommend you speak to your cancer specialist who may have insight into the treatment with particular reference to your cancer, and any clinical trials in which you could participate. You can view current clinical trials in our clinical trials database just here:

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you so much Steph. Interestingly enough, I told them that I probably will not take their route due to the cost, and they replied to say they are fund raising and take my case on for free! 

  • Hi Steph, are you aware of any good or bad reviews of a company named IASO CANCER based in Berlin Germany who carry out Dendricht Cell Therapy?  I cannot find any UK clinical trials of DCT. 

  • Hello Justice

    Here at Cancer Research UK we can only give you information about licensed and proven treatments. There are many stories or reviews online from people who have spent a considerable amount of money at these clinics with varying results, such as the examples here

    The only advice we can give is to be very cautious and not to be swayed by the claims made by such clinics without talking to your cancer specialist.

    Nobody here can give any recommendations about treatment centres abroad, but do feel free to call our nurses who can help you with details of possible clinical trials in the UK or if you just want to ask any questions about immunotherapy in general. they are available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Has anyone got any info/experince/knowledge about Whipples Procedure on resectable Pancreatic Cancer. this is where the Cancer is wrapped around vessels. it is done by Lapdroscopic ie minimally invasive procedure. In particular I'm interested in survival rates.

    if anyone knows anywhere else that carries out this procedure I would also be interested in this.


  • Hi Ronnie.B, 

    Unfortunately no one on the forum will be able to give you recommendations of clinics or treatment centres as we do not allow names of healthcare providers or professionals to be shared on the forum but I hope that you will hear from the experiences of other members who have had a Whipples Procedure on resectable Pancreatic Cancer. If you have any questions, our cancer nurses are available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040 so don't hesitate to give them a call if you would like to talk things through with them. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator