Suspected and scared

I’m terrified. I found a lump in my arm pit at the weekend and saw a gp this morning, she found another one in my other arm pit. I wasn’t that worried before my appointment but now I’m a mess. I’ve been referred to the breast clinic under the suspected cancer team and have to wait to hear about an appointment. On one side of my family there was breast cancer and the other Hodgkin’s. So of course I went down a Google whole and am full of what ifs. I don’t know what to do with myself, I’m working this afternoon so I’m hoping that will take my mind off of it and not let me sit a blubbering terrified mess?

  • Sorry to hear that Casbel ,it’s good they have referred you but it doesn’t mean that it’s cancer .I can imagine with family history it is worrying for you .Try and keep busy , do nice things and maybe meet up with friends and go for walks .Try not to Google , I know ,easier said than done . Hopefully all will be well ,waiting is a nightmare .Keep in touch and all the best xxx

  • Hi Casbel,

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    This is always a worrying time, but no amount of worry will change anything. Not all breast lumps turn out to be breast cancer. Many are benign cysts or fibrous changes. It is a fact that, out of every 10 people who attend the breast clinic, only 2 will receive a cancer diagnosis, so the odds are still on your side. I hope that your appointment for the breast clinic comes through soon and that you don't have to wait too long for it.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx