Longest week ever! Waiting for breast lump biopsy results.

Hi, all. Currently in limbo waiting for results from a biopsy taken from a lump in my breast on Monday. 

I had an ultrasound, mammogram, then 3 biopsies and a marker placed, followed by a second mammogram. In the meeting afterwards the nurse said there was some suspicious looking areas on the scans. I've spoken to her again today as feel like as the shock is wearing off, I've forgotten what was said. Today she's made it sound less serious and mentioned that the lymph nodes looked normal on the ultrasounds. 

Feel like I'm losing my mind waiting for the results, and listening to what she said today sounded completely different to what I heard on Monday.

Trying to keep busy and stay positive, I'm 35 and know at my age chances are everything will come back OK, but the anxiety of the situation is becoming inbearable. Lack of sleep and hormones in the mix aren't helping either!

  • Welly sending hugs here to chat always xxx love Lara xx

  • How are you getting on Welly ? I had my husband with me to take notes ,you switch off after 10 minutes I think .

    When my friend went to see the oncologist I went with her and we had questions written down and I wrote his answers down too . I kept a little notebook for her . Good luck and let us know how you get on R xx

  • I appreciate your messages so much.

    Still in shock, having a really physical anxious reaction, palpitations, stomach upset, no appetite etc. 

    I'm just making a note of everything said today and my partner & I are keeping a book where we can write any questions as and when they come up, ready for the next appointment. 

    I've had a lot of messages of support and am very lucky to work for an amazing company, so feel like I'm in the best possible place to get through it!

  • Try and be positive and look after yourself xx

  • Try maybe tomorrow to go or do  something nice,it really isn't a easy time probably more questions than answers going through your head just keep a note of everything that you've to do and date it that way u will find it a bit easier remembering what's next be good to yourself xx

  • Hi Welly,

    I am so sorry to hear this news and am not at all surprised that you're in shock. No matter how well prepared you think you are for news like this, it still hits you head on. You will feel as if you're in a very surreal situation for the next few weeks, almost as if it were happening to someone else and not you - I'm sure that you wish this too!. However, once you start treatment, you will feel more in control.

    I am glad to hear that you have a supportive partner and amazing employers. Take all the support and help that is offered, as you'll have a tough few months ahead of you. Try to look at this as a blip in the road. You will get through it with time. I'm glad to hear that you and your partner are keeping a record of all your appointments. I have had two bouts of breast cancer in the past 14 years. I always attend an appointment with 2 copies of my questions. While I ask the questions, my hubby writes down the answers. It is amazing how often I still look this up, to recall parts of my cancer journey for new doctors. Details that should be in my records, are not always to hand when needed.

    Have you been told when your chemo will start yet?

    My thoughts are with you and, as you know, we're always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx