Longest week ever! Waiting for breast lump biopsy results.

Hi, all. Currently in limbo waiting for results from a biopsy taken from a lump in my breast on Monday. 

I had an ultrasound, mammogram, then 3 biopsies and a marker placed, followed by a second mammogram. In the meeting afterwards the nurse said there was some suspicious looking areas on the scans. I've spoken to her again today as feel like as the shock is wearing off, I've forgotten what was said. Today she's made it sound less serious and mentioned that the lymph nodes looked normal on the ultrasounds. 

Feel like I'm losing my mind waiting for the results, and listening to what she said today sounded completely different to what I heard on Monday.

Trying to keep busy and stay positive, I'm 35 and know at my age chances are everything will come back OK, but the anxiety of the situation is becoming inbearable. Lack of sleep and hormones in the mix aren't helping either!