53 with Esophagus tumour -UK

Hi everybody,

First off I'm sending out big love and best wishes to all of you here, whatever you are going through. 

After an endoscopy 9 weeks ago I was diagnosed with cancer of the esophagus. 

I've since had a CT scan, PET scan, an ultrasound endoscopy and so many blood tests I lost count.  Finally this week I'm told that I will soon get 2 months of FLOT Chemo (4 rounds) then a pretty horrific sounding surgery with a huge recovery time, then another 4 rounds of FLOT.

As I'm sure you all are, I'm looking for some reassurance from anyone in the same boat, I'm copying fairly well mentally so far but there are some dark days for sure.

I'm off to search through the chats now, wishing you all good luck and get well soon x

  • Hello Rusty444

    Welcome to the forum although I'm very sorry to hear about the news that brings you here. Undoubtedly this will have been an anxious time and it's understandable that you find days when you're struggling. 

    I wanted to send you the link to this thread. there are quite a lot of posts from various members but there's lots of useful information from a patient's perspective. I'm sure that if you post on the thread to introduce yourself then some of the OC regulars such as     and  will stop by to say hello and share their stories with you. 

    If you'd like to chat things through with one of our nurses you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. 

    Keep in touch Rusty444 and we'll do our best to support you. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hi Rusty

    My virgin post

    Was diagnosed July 20. Stage 3. Had 4 rounds of flot with no problems only 'pillow feet". Op Nov 20 brilliant treatment.

    Recovery uncomfortable but manageable.  Could not have follow-up  chemo due to fistual complications. 

    Now 2.5 years on and all well. Can eat pretty much anything in smaller quantities including steak and curry.

    Hope all goes well. 

    Here if you have any questions