Colonoscopy - sedation or not

I have had 3 colonoscopy examinations. I opted for no sedation for the first two, During the second, when my UC was a problem, the doctor could not get the camera round a deep corner. The pain was terrible and eventually he had to give up. Since then I have opted for sedation. 

  • I've had 39 colonoscopys, and have to have them for the rest if my life, as had to have my right side of my bowel taken away . I always take the sedation,it doesn't put you to sleep,it just relaxes you ,so it's easier to cope with.  I would never do it with out sedation,but that's just me,we are all different and what suits one person, doesn't always suit another. Hope it's not as uncomfortable for you if you have to undergo another one,I'd definitely try thr sedation. X

  • Had my colonoscopy this morning - with painkiller and gas and air. It was better than I'd feared but still uncomfortable, especially as I have a loopy colon that took some pressure to negotiate. Have to say though that I recovered quickly so, on reflection, quite happy with how it went. As my UC is dormant I am hoping it was my 4th and last.

  • Yes I sometimes have air tube put know my nose to help me breath easier.  I'm glad your over the worst,tge prep really is horrible ,It makes me so sore from going to toilet so much.  I see you have UC... ulcerative colitis, I was diognosed with that years ago aged 18,I was treated in hospital for two weeks . They were able to treat the ulcers with tablets,thank goodness. Mine has stayed doorment  and not flared up.ive had conflicting information from two differnt specialists whilst preforming colonoscopys in the past,one told me once you have ulcerative colitis, you have it for life  and it can lay doorment for years or flare up at any given time.Another specialist preforming a colonoscopy,when I asked if my ulcerative colitis  was showing up said No,you haven't got it ,you were treated for it years ago and it doesn't come back. But I've also read that it can come back,so thinking the first specialist  was right,it can come back at any time,as once you've had it ,your prone to it ,but it can lie  doorment . What was you told. I also have ibs and diverticulitis, and do get polyps.