Hi.....on day 10 after finishing radiotherapy...i feel worse now thn ever.....so fatigued and my mouth is on fire...everything smells and tastes awful...living on cornflakes and custard...please someone tell me this gets better /
Hi.....on day 10 after finishing radiotherapy...i feel worse now thn ever.....so fatigued and my mouth is on fire...everything smells and tastes awful...living on cornflakes and custard...please someone tell me this gets better /
I'm sorry about the side effects you've been experiencing since finishing your radiotherapy Gillian.
It sounds like you're having quite a tough time at the moment but I hope it helps to know that things should start to improve for you soon, as you can see on our website.
I'm sure some of our members who have been on this journey will offer their support and advice to you soon but if you'd like to discuss any of this with one of our cancer nurses, they're available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m, or if it's easier, you can make a post in their section of the forum just here.
We're thinking of you Gillian and wishing you all the best with your recovery.
Kind regards,
Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator
Hi...thank you for reply...i tried to click on the website you sent but it won't work ?
Hey Gillian,
I'm sorry you're having trouble accessing the link. We've tested it on our end and there aren't any issues so I'm not sure why it's not working for you but if you are accessing the forum from your mobile phone you may need to allow pop ups so you can see the link.
I'll include the full link for you just here: www.cancerresearchuk.org/.../side-effects. Fingers crossed you can see it this time but do let me know if the problem continues.
Kind regards,
Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator
Hi Gillian,
Yes it does getter better, definately.
It's normal to feel worse after treatment i'm afraid and can take a little while for full recovery but you will get there in the end.
I was told by consultant that it is the worst cancer treatment and recovery but one with the highest success cure rates.
I kept a blog from the get go and I have attached a link below that will give you some idea of timelines as well as some tips picked up aliong the way.
You are welcome to friend request if you would like someone to chat through or help with any additional questions youu may have,
I also started a thread called Radiotherapy for Cancer and its under the section Living with Cancer.
So many replies and tips/support from many of us who have been on the journey and thats another souce of information/help/support.
Have a read of the blog linked below and hopefully it will help a little and feel free to ask any other questions.
There is light at the end of the tunnel although aware that recovery is not without its challenges.
kind regards
Ian ( aka Anchor 1707 on here )
Thank you so much for reply...i have been reading your blog and find it a great help ...a few more questions i would like to ask...i'm week 3 on friday finishing treatment...i am still mega exhausted and very down....my tongue now feels itchy and i have a weird smell in my nose most of the time...i am hungry but can only face cornflakes and custard...all the things i previously loved smell and taste horrible....did you endure the feeling sick with certain smells ?
Hi Gillian
Totally understand frustration,exhausted and side effects kicking in.
I got some anti nausea meds from GP but I would suggest you speak to your support team as you will still be under their supervision until after treatment finished.
The food thing is funny and we all suffered in different ways. I really struggled with food and was on Ensures supplement drinks for a while. I assume you are taking cornflakes with plenty milk as cant imagine you would be able to eat without.
Custard. yoghurt, rice puddings ere all good and the way I would suggest you try and look at food etc is to think of it as medication rather than food you enjoy or not. Getting fuel into your body is important and its one of the unfortunate side effects of treatment.
You will enjoy your food again and there is light at the end of the tunnel but the challenges of treatment and recovery is pretty normal for everyone and we all had the same symtoms in one way or the other.
Try and drink/sip as much water as you can as it not only keeps you hydrated but by default, will be using your thoat muscles.
Speak to your support team and see if you can get something for your nausea and you can phone them anytime instead of waiting on scheduled appointment.
Stay strong chum and its all just part of the journey and another small step on road to complete recovery.
Please let me know if I can help in anyway and contact me anytime you like
kind regards
Hi....thanks again for reply...i feel a bit needy at the moment and like to hear your answers as you have been through this...can i ask ...did you feel a bit of pain sometimes around the area where the lump was ? i'm also feeling gum and toothe pain...sorry for being a paest
Hi Gillian
your not a pest and you can message every day if you like and I'll help anyway I can.
So on your treatment I did feel a bit of discomfort and really just put this down to treatment working and kicking in. Its all very scientific now and you will have a tailor made plan for the radiotherapy that will have targeted area so perfectly normal.
Gum pain and discomfort - again yes and I had the added bonus of getting all my back teeth extracted before treatment and mouth was tender for considerable time.
I would speak to support team as they can prescribe gum gel as I had to get as well. Bongela can be of some comfort but I'd get from support team or GP as they will prescibe appropriate gel to sooth gums as much as possible.
It wont always be like this but its powerful treatment we are getting in a delicate area and as such will lead to some discomfort during treatment and also in recovery period.
I undertsand can be debiliating and we just have to dig in and see it through. Worth it in the end but do speak to support and get everything you need whether it be gel for gums/ up pain medication/dietician or anything at all
Please dont think you are ever a pest to anyone, let alone me.
How you feel and side effects are real and everyone should rally round to help you through your journey as much as possible.
Every day is another step forward on road to recovery and contact me as often as you like with as many questions as you like
kind regards
Hi guys hope your doing ok I spoke to you before about my tonsil cancer I am going through and just read this from Ian to Gillian and wanted to know if you could answer my fears. I have just had a tonsil removed and my throat and rear part of my tongue is sore and hard to swallow and my next Dr appointment is 31 August when I hope I have to start my next treatment. I am not sure if I am getting just radiation and chemo or just radiation what is the process and what is the best way to go at this ?
Any cancer treatment and plan will be mapped out by a consultant in ENT and not your GP.
You should have an appointment with your consultant and support team as any diagnosis of throat cancer is patient specific and quite scientific now on treatment.
Consultant will decide best way forward and decide whether chemo is part of treatment or radiation or both.
I had my tonsil out before I could get treatment so I sympathise with discomfort and I found out to my cost that tonsil removed in an adult is sore and debilatating.
Do you have your consultant appointment booked as well as your GP as this would be your next step on any treatment plan and way forward.
Hope helps and apoligise if I have picked up wrong but going by process I and most of us on here went through, this would be your next stage.Let me know if I can help in any way and I have a blog if you would find helpful and I have linked link below
kind regards