Endoscopy Sedation or not?

After having my procedure today without sedation or throat spray I can say it was honestly the most traumatic experience I have ever had! I was held down and was constantly retching and the feeling of choking was horrendous! This should be done under general anthestetic, the experience is still playing on my mind! Awful! OPT FOR SEDATION most horrific experience I have ever had! 

  • I had an endoscopy a week ago and opted for no sedation as I didn't have anyone to drive me home. It was not a nice experience,  I panicked and felt I was suffocating,  the medical team were great talking to me to calm me down amd remind me to breathe. It was all over with very quickly.  In my opinion without sedation its managble but not a nice experience.  If you do have someone to drive you home then get the sedation 100%!