Throat biopsy - how do you cope with wait for results?

Good afternoon, I'm new here. I'm 57 yrs old. After having a sore throat from dec last year and my GP finding a mass with lesions I was fast tracked for a throat biopsy which I had on the 17-02. From seeing my GP to seeing constant and surgery was less than 3 weeks. Now it's the awful wait for results. How do you all cope while waiting for the results? my heads in bits waiting and also has anyone else ended up with infection in biopsy site along with ulceration if so how did you help the pain. Im on antibiotics and codiene which up to now isn't working, feeling stressed out with no one to talk to.

 Thank you x

  • Hi Alan

    So happy to hear news about the scan -

    I am sat in hospital recovery ward having just had my biopsy op - my mouth is a little eeeeek ! And I can feel stitches in mouth  but all done and I should be home later today




  • Well done Jo!

    Keep me updated I'm only 2 weeks behind you 


  • Absolutely I will :silly:

    Oh btw they mentioned the teeth damage to me before i went into surgery but all was okay .. I cant feel any damage - all seem to be present and intact lol 



  • Hi Alan, 

    that is excellent news about your scan, I've got everything crossed all your other test come back clear too. Glad you are feeling more positive and yes it's one step at a time. X


  • Hi jo,

    glad you have had your biopsy sooner than originally expected, make sure you rest up plenty and hope you heal quickly and your results come back clear. I'm still non the wiser as still waiting for appointment, I'm seeing my GP next week so maybe she will have an update and I can get some answers.x

    sue X


  • Thank you Sue 

    Cant believe you are still in the dark about your results .. that is pretty cr*p and no further forward .  How is your throat now ? I hope it is healed up nicely .    I had to have some morphine to calm pain .  I also seemed to be in surgery for a while , went in at 1:45 and came to in recovery at 4pm .. Consultant  said they were only going to go up through the palate , so thought I would be out in  not time *shrug 


    Keep me updated Sue and lovely to hear from you 





  • Hi jo,

    it is pretty rubbish still waiting to see constant, throat still sore, hospital prescribed some anti inflammatory spray and corsodyl mouth wash to see if they would help it heal better but up to now it's not working. My biopsy was down the right side of my throat and a small bit of the underside of my tongue, apparently it takes longer to heal as the tongue rubs against your throat when you swallow. Hope you heal quickly without any complications.

    big hugs 

    sue x

  • Thanks Sue - I am being discharged but my consutant :has left so i wont get to ask what they did - my follow up for results is 22nd .  I assume maybe they just went into soft palate where the lump is - the MRI wasnt back from Saturday yet the mri unit  is just down the corridor lol  


    I hope they get you sorted with pain and healing  , it has been so long for you now  


  • Hi Jo/Sue,

    Sue, that sucks still not knowing. I've been impressed with the speed and effficiency of the NHS so far, having said that I would still not have had the results of my CT scan if I hadn't asked the nurse who was doing my pre bio assessment if she could check on the system. I think Doctors become so thick skinned doing this day in and day out they forget how much stress waiting and not knowing puts the patient under. I hope you have an answer soon, I have a sore throat every day which ranges from a 2 to a 5 out of 10 on the 'painometer'....its bearable but wears you down. 

    Jo, I hope you make a speedy recovery without too much would think in this day and age there would be an easier way of doing a biopsy.....I'm scared about having mine which is also at the back right of my tongue but I will get thru somehow, it so comforting to share this horrible experience and know you are not alone thank you both.




  • Morning Alan, yeah it is stressful not knowing, I see my GP on Monday so hopefully she will have had something sent through and can confirm what is wrong one way or another. I agree the NHS has been really quick up until the results but I think that is more down to the booking office rather than the consultants. My sore throat after biopsy is now down to around 6-7, after surgery it was off the scale. Make sure you have playoff pain killers and antiseptic mouth wash in, hopefully you won't need them.
    it does help an awful lot speaking to people going through the same thing as you, they are the ones that understand how you are feeling, thank you both so much.

    hugs sue xx