Throat biopsy - how do you cope with wait for results?

Good afternoon, I'm new here. I'm 57 yrs old. After having a sore throat from dec last year and my GP finding a mass with lesions I was fast tracked for a throat biopsy which I had on the 17-02. From seeing my GP to seeing constant and surgery was less than 3 weeks. Now it's the awful wait for results. How do you all cope while waiting for the results? my heads in bits waiting and also has anyone else ended up with infection in biopsy site along with ulceration if so how did you help the pain. Im on antibiotics and codiene which up to now isn't working, feeling stressed out with no one to talk to.

 Thank you x

  • Also , with regard to pain relief you could also join the macmillan online group as many there will have had experience and I too may be needing help for pain relief after mine .

    if you are not there already , here is the link


  • Brilliant, thank you so much x

  • Quick update, I am seeing my constant on Tuesday, fingers crossed I get my results and all is well.

  • Glad things are moving on for you .  I hope all is well and you are on a speedy track to a remedy 


  • Still got a really sore throat from biopsy but not as bad as before the antibiotics. Now I've got a date to see consultant I'm very nervous and my anxiety is through the roof, but at least it's been really quick for me, from seeing my GP, seeing consultant, having biopsy and hopefully get my results all within 5 weeks. Thank you for your kind words. I will post an update when I know the results. Wishing  everyone else that's waiting for procedures and results the best of news x 

  • My biospy is on the 7th March following  my MRI on the 5th .  Can I ask , were you automatically given  stronger strength painkillers after your biopsy ? Or did you have to request them , I am a little worried as sometimes I cant speak to a GP for days .  I guess your antibiotics came about after too and not something automatically given?   

    I have no doubt you must be on tenter hooks and I know for sure I will be going do lally on the lead up to recieving the results .( I am already having regular meltdowns pre tests)   I really think results  should be given over the phone so you can be in the comfort of your home and surroundings  but then I assume there is some obvious reason why this does not happen that I am oblivious to  

  • Morning, I'm sorry to say after my biopsy the hospital gave me nothing for pain, I had biopsy done on the Thursday under GA by the Monday I was seeing my GP with the infection where I got the antibiotics and painkillers, I'm now 11 days post op and still finding it difficult to swallow and it's still quite painful but nowhere near as bad as it was. I'm dreading tomorrow but also can't wait as hopefully I will get answers and be back in control of my life. Possible don't give results over the phone due to confidentiality. Good luck with your surgery and I have everything crossed for a positive result for you ♥️

  • Uff ! I will be sure to monitor mine closley before the fweekend arrives following my biopsy as my local surgery is closed at weekends as are most I imgaine .  I hope your appointment is early tomorrow .  My ENT was late in the day and they were behind schedule so the waiting room scenario for me was not the best  x  I will be thinking of you *hugs

  • My appointment is at 15.40 so pretty late on in the day. I would definitely advise keeping an eye on your biopsy site and any problems you can go back to the hospital, I chose to wait until doctors surgery was open on the Monday, big mistake!!!! Thank you so much, will be thinking of you too and sending huge hugs back x

  • Hi,

    I have just been diagnosed with tongue cancer last week and I am scheduled for a biopsy on 21st March...I had an MRI scan last Friday to make sure it hasn't spread to my chest and I am beside myself with worry over the results.......I burst out in tears uncontrollably when I think about it....the waiting is unbelievably stressful and as much as I try and stay busy as soon as I stop it hits me like a many 'what ifs'...this is living hell and so hard to cope with
