Throat biopsy - how do you cope with wait for results?

Good afternoon, I'm new here. I'm 57 yrs old. After having a sore throat from dec last year and my GP finding a mass with lesions I was fast tracked for a throat biopsy which I had on the 17-02. From seeing my GP to seeing constant and surgery was less than 3 weeks. Now it's the awful wait for results. How do you all cope while waiting for the results? my heads in bits waiting and also has anyone else ended up with infection in biopsy site along with ulceration if so how did you help the pain. Im on antibiotics and codiene which up to now isn't working, feeling stressed out with no one to talk to.

 Thank you x

  • Hi Sue,

    At least you have some idea of where you are now, fingers crossed you get more good news going forward!


    Glad to hear the biopsy site seems to be settling down now.

    It sounds like you are both tough cookies and I think its fantastic that you are both remaining so positive. Its inspiring me to do the same although my throat has been very sore the last couple of days and it feels like the lump is getting bigger (probably just my imagination). Time seems to have slowed down now. I have my needle biopsy at 2pm today, I'm pretty relaxed about that at the moment but once its doen it will be another box ticked.

    I just want rid of this thing now! in particular I'm angry at it (how stupid is that?)



  • Hi Alan

    All the best for todays biospy .  I have read many who have had these tyoe of biopsies and nobody said it was a bad experience .

    And yes today my mouth feels soooo much better and I  have yet to take painkillers today so that is progress for sure .  I have taken so many tablets this past week I would rattle if you pick me uo and shook me lol

    I think we experience every emotion there is during these times .  The slightest thing upsets me these days and yesterday I had my first little meltdown but i think I had  been trying too hard to put a brave face on and my cork  popped .. it was needed and I am sure it wont be my last..

    Treat yourself to something special after your hospital appt ..   




  • Hi Alan,

    yes I feel a bit more positive now and my throat is starting to feel loads better at last, I still have the odd meltdown which is to be expected, luckily my hubby just shrugs it of and I never lose control in front of my kids or grandkids, I would hate for them to see devils daughter that comes out when I lose it .

    good luck with your needle biopsy, hope it is quick and painless for you.


    sue x


  • Hi Ladies,

    Just got back from my needle biopsy......forgive the language but ******* ouch!! wasnt what I expected at all....3 biopsies he took with what they call a 'punch biopsy needle' feels like someone is kicking you in the neck each time......I'm so sore now!.......what a wuss! :laugh:. as my girlfiend keeps reminding me " you want to try giving birth!"......that old chestnut! :laugh:

    It wasnt what I expected at all....but hey ho its another box ticked.

    Up to 10 days wait for the results this space.

    I'm scared to move my neck now :laugh:

    I'm off for a lie down....have a good evening both of you




  • Aww bless ya, 

    definately rest up and yes it's another box ticked as for the pain I personally would rather give birth lol.

    sue x

  • Oh ... a punch biopsy? a new one on me  , I have a vision of Alien opening its jaws and that thing punching out lol 

    Wish you  a chilled evening ahead  







  • Evening Jo/Sue,

    I hope you are both well?

    I've just got home from my tongue biopsy!...what a weird experience!.......out cold in seconds and woke up feeling so chilled....I had to ask if I was awake all went well and I am relatively pain free....... at the moment.....I'm also throwing some milkshakes down my throat whilst I can.......the surgeon took 5 samples but I havent had any stitches. No extra painkillers prescribed either so I will have to see how I feel in the morning.

    The surgeon is talking like its definitely cancer even before seeing the results of the biopsies and is already preparing me for potential radiotherapy....I was a bit gutted when he said I woud almost certainly need a stomach peg before I start the treatment becuse it will be too painful to eat!.....great!! something else to worry about!.....and he has also ordered a full body PET "scan just to be safe"....again slightly worrying but he said he may cancel that depending on the results of the biopsies.

    So all in all a bitter sweet day.......overall relief but more things to worry about.

    To end on a plus note as long as it is above my neck then he says it is totally curable.

    Anyways I'm on the sofa chilling....will take some pain killers before bed and hope for the best in the morning.




  • Hi Alan, 

    so pleased your biopsy is over with and up to now you are pain free, fingers and everything else crossed that you get positive news. If you have to get a stomach peg don't worry too much, it's pretty simple to use and heals pretty quickly once tube is removed, as long as the area is kept clean they tend to be trouble free which is a positive, in my job I dealt with them on a daily basis, definitely relax, sleep and take some pain killers just in case, please keep us posted.

    I have just received my appointment to see consultant, he wanted to see me in 2-3 weeks my appointment is 26th April which will be coming up 2 months since I last seen him. They said it's the best they can do as they are that far behind and trying to catch up.

    sue x 

  • Thanks Sue!,

    great to hear that about the peg!.......likewise I'm crossing everything for you and your visit with your consultant.

    Early night for me now but will keep you both posted on my progress.



  • Hope you have a pain free night and sleep well.

    night night

    sue x