Throat biopsy - how do you cope with wait for results?

Good afternoon, I'm new here. I'm 57 yrs old. After having a sore throat from dec last year and my GP finding a mass with lesions I was fast tracked for a throat biopsy which I had on the 17-02. From seeing my GP to seeing constant and surgery was less than 3 weeks. Now it's the awful wait for results. How do you all cope while waiting for the results? my heads in bits waiting and also has anyone else ended up with infection in biopsy site along with ulceration if so how did you help the pain. Im on antibiotics and codiene which up to now isn't working, feeling stressed out with no one to talk to.

 Thank you x

  • Oh Alan I am so sorry to hear that and praying your other tests all come back clear. It's the not knowing that I'm finding hard to deal with but hopefully I will find out one way or another later today when I see my consultant. It's easy for other people to say don't think about it, stay positive etc but until they have been in this situation themselves they will never understand the fear, the fact that it is constantly on your mind, you can't function like before, you are worn out but can't sleep and are trying to stay strong for your loved ones, your life is turned upside down and inside out and there's not a thing you can do about it.
    Sending hugs x

  • Dear `Alan , such shattering news .  My heart goes out to you.  I always thought that a diagnosis of cancer could only be given through a biopsy having been carried out but it seems you have yet to have your biopsy  so sometimes I get so confused...  I have been referred for investigation via the ENT department and I have my MRI on Saturday and a biospy on this Monday coming , no-one in ENT  mentioned cancer to me but of course I know this is what they are looking to determine with their tests  especially when i was given a 2ww urgent referral.  SupeC is right , only those who are living in this limbo know the utter torment .  On another note,  a friend/work contact of mine is post tongue cancer treatment 4 years now and he has offered me his support on what may lay ahead.  He said it is  damn tough at times but it is all do-able and rather then see the road ahead as one massive hurdle think of it as small hurdles daily that you take one by one  , some will be hard some not so ...    

  • Thank you both so much for your kind words....the surgeon told me that in his experience he is 99% sure it's cancer based on the MRI and what he saw...I guess I'm still clinging on to that 1% hope that its not but my body is saying something is very wrong. It was so unlike me to actually do something about it (typical man!) But I'm hoping I have caught whatever it is early enough...speaking to people like you will help us all get through this nightmare.....then oh boy am I gonna live life!....please both of you keep me posted on your progress and the best of luck to all of us x

  • I haven't had an MRI surgeon looked at my throat and that was it I was in and biopsy taken within the week he did say that it looked extremely abnormal but like you say we hold onto the hope. Today is day 12 since surgery, still sore and in pain but getting there, make sure you have plenty of pain relief and plenty of soft food, if you feel anything like I do after biopsy you will need it, also for first 5 days I couldn't tolerate ice cream, it was like trying to swallow fire hurt like hell. I agree keep us updated and best of luck ♥️Xx

  • Yes indeed, speaking to those in the same scenario really helps in what feels like a lonely time even when you are surrounded by many.  I have been bracing myself for the worse, if it is cancer, then so be it , I will fight it come hell or high water as long as I have that option of course.  Seems a few weeks back all my worries were non existent , a niggly sore throat nothing major, only now,  in just those few weeks,  the lump is bigger , painful and I even find it hard to speak .. I did mention to someone shortly after my ENT that  my specialist may have knew it was highly likey to be cancer but avoided saying it to me , they look at these things day in and day out ..  

    I now see the world through different eyes , I feel cut off and detached from every day life , such alien and consuming feelings. and thoughts . I am absolutely here for anyone who needs to talk too  ️


  • Omg that last paragraph of yours sums up EXACTLY how I feel!!

    Stay strong everybody x

  • You are in my thoughts right now - have everything crossed for you ️

  • Well that didn't go as planned, results that were there for my throat were inconclusive, they found a polyp on my right vocal chord but I didn't ask if they had removed it. So I still have to wait to find out. Really fed up and my head is battered. X

  • Oh , a polyp would be good though, yes?  .  Not Cancer and removable with basic surgery.  But where was the  biospy site that is causing you pain .  What is their next plan of action - I am kinda elated even though you are bewildered ..  I had a little anxiety attack when your message appeared ️