Ground Zero Today

Hello all, today I have been diagnosed with breast cancer and I'm in shock! I'm 57 years old and live in Yorkshire. I will be seeing the surgeon next week but in the meantime I need to find a way to quiet my mind, does anyone have any suggestions? Many thanks in advance. X x

  • I don't think there is a magic bullet so to speak when it comes to the initial shock and your mind racing a mile a minute. Granted, keeping busy does work to an extent, but the only thing that slows your mind down is time.

    The diagnosis wasn't so bad for us as it was broken down into increments over two appointments. So the actual day of the "you have cancer" wasn't a shock. we knew. The most worrying part about it all was the waiting for the scan results. Once they're outta the way things calmed down considerably. The beginning is undoubtably the hardest on most fronts regarding dealing with things mentally.

    But yeah, just give yourself some time and things do get easier, a lot easier on this particular front. It's the unknown that got us. Once we knew what was what and had a treatment plan, things have been good mentally. Never lose your sense of humour either. You'll need it.