I'm Kit 56.
About 14 years ago I had a couple of breast lumps, non problematic (as it turned out) lumps left breast removed with needle. Worrying at the time as children were so young.
Now they're all grown up and I have a lump again, same breast different area. But I can feel this is a different thing, feels very different and it's combined with something going on under my arm, odd feeling and sporadic pains.
So phoned doctors last week ... 74 tries to get through...but managed eventually...nothings easy these days.
They said they'd arrange an urgent referral and they did ... I'm going to the breast clinic in 2 days time.
Im expecting bad news. My heart is racing and my mind is racing with a million thoughts.
No chemo, no lymph nodes removed, no radiation. Its funny THOSE are my thoughts...odd way to think, but quality of life - not just life feels most important to me sitting here today.
I'd have no support ... I need to be in charge of myself and look after me. What's left of my family are abroad, friends few and mostly abroad. I'm not naturally a social person anyway sadly.
Sons at uni and I would never I'm a million years disturb their lives. I am married but we are not close and he works away half the year anyway.
How does anyone do this with zero support and no one to discuss things with?