One gland that feels like a ball when I press down on it.

Hello I need a clear answer from someone who has what I have at the moment, basically since last November and December I have suffered from health anxiety and I have been taken through the trenches and it's been rough for me. Also I am a young adult a male and I am 16, and past 2 months I was self obsessing over google and at the time I had a very bad cold and last 2 months I caught 3 colds and it got me worried because, I was feeling sharp pains in the back of my head, neck and I thought to myself could it be something serious like cancer and I started searching it up and my health anxiety got worse. One day it got worse I had to go hospital for it, and they said you worry too much about things that haven't happend yet and also fears of the future. It was bad I started crying. So they put me on Citalopram tablets on tempouraly just to take the edge of and they worked. Next day when I had my previous visit from hospital, I started feeling all over my body because I have really bad health anxiety and I felt a lump on the right side of my neck and at the moment now it feels movable I first discovered this on 8th December 2021 and it's been a month now and it hasn't gone. So I am googling at times getting paranoid about swollen lymph nodes and we know Google frightens the life out of you that it migh be lymphoma or Hodgkins which scares me. But I don't have any symptoms of this, but I also get paranoid that what about if it's low grade lymphoma. But I know previous I had 3 colds in a row I had 1 in October 1 November and December. And I think that might cause one gland to swell on the right side of my neck when I press down underneath my skin. I had a blood test and my bloods were clear but they said white blood cell count is low and that got me anxious again. And I am thinking could it be leukhiama or caused by lymphoma but I knew at the time I had a cold. Now I have another blood test coming up at the end of January this month, to see if my bloods are ok that I know they will. But I booked in for my GP tomorrow so they can see this lump in my neck but this is only one swollen gland and it's not big but when I go to poke it or touch it, it feels rubbery and when  I don't it small which is weird. So I am seeing my GP tomorrow so they can examine what it is and they could give me more assurance what it is then thinking it could be cancer. 

But I am fit and healthy person and I go to the gym quite often and my dad knows about what to eat and what not. We make sure we have vegetables and salad on our dinner we cut out the biscuits and cakes. But I've had past experiences also when I was little, that also might have caused my health anxiety. My mum she passed away with stage 4 bowel cancer and she was put on chemotherapy and she was also sent to Germany for natural medicines to treat her cancer like infusions along with chemotherapy ,  and that freaked me out because I am a hypochondriac and linking that to my mum having cancer scares me. And I can't stand anyone talking about cancer around me it scares me. But I am a strong young healthy adult and I know it my health anxiety lurking about all the time. And what I have now could be a reactive lymph node that hasn't gone down after a awful horrendous cold. And I know with all of this covid our body's are not use to the colds because we have been in lockdown as-well. Also I have hobby's I do my boxing and I go to my local gym because since my mum passed away my dad got into spiritualism and food awarenesses. But one thing my dad told me is that bad diet and years of bad diet of abuse to body could cause cancer. And he told me years of stress causes cancer also. P

And I would love someone to read what I am going through right now, and tell me also the same situation as what I am going through. 

  • Welcome to Cancer Chat, Vikram_16.

    I'm sorry to hear about your mum and that you have not been feeling well. It's only natural that her loss has an impact on the way you see life but if there is anything I can say to you is to try to stop googling your symptoms - I know it's hard, we all do from time to time but there are loads of unverified information out there which is anything but helpful. Besides, you are already seeing your doctor and they are the only ones who can tell you what your symptoms mean and give the reassurance you need as far as medical matters are concerned.

    The other thing I wanted to mention is this website called Hope which offers support for young people who had a close family member diagnosed with cancer. They even have a Facebook community where you can chat with other people your age who might be going through the same experiences.

    I hope this helps and that everything turns out OK for you, Vikram_16.

    Best wishes,

    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator


  • Hi Vikram,

    Same as you I came across this site looking up for other people who had found a neck lump but saw your post and felt I had to respond. First of all, I am really sorry for your mother and what you're going through. I can't imagine how devastated that must have been for you. I also suffer from health anxiety. Mine started when I become a mother (nobody warns you about that). I have the constant fear that I might die young and my baby won't get to know and remember me. My anxiety started a year ago when I found out during a blood test that I had iron deficiency which explained my dizziness and headaches. Google suggested that iron deficiency is a sign of cancer. Since then every pain and lump in my body has made me think I have cancer. I have had countless GP appointments. I've become like a family to them. Because as you may know the referrals take time I went privately sometimes and spend thousands on MRIs and ultrasounds. Up to now I have been convinced that I had the following cancers: ovarian, colon, pancreatic, breast,  and now neck (getting this lump checked asap). For a month I would wake up at night with a pain between my shoulders and difficulty to breath (apparently anxiety works even when I sleep). My anxiety became that bad that once I had a panic attach. On my way to hospital my arms and legs became paralysed and I was struggling to breathe. I was convinced I was going to die that day. My point is that brain is a powerful tool. It can even make you feel pain that doesn't really exist. Since having the panic attack I've decided to stop (ok limit) my health related google searches. I have noticed that as soon as I speak to a doctor and they say they don't suspect cancer my symptoms magically disappear. My husband says that for peace of mind I should go to emergency at least once a week. I am a stay at home mom at the moment and I've noticed my dizziness and headache happen only when I am home. When I go out I feel ok, probably just because I don't think about it. Please keep yourself busy by doing what you love to do. As a mom I'd say that your mom would want you to live an optimistic fully and happy life. She wouldn't want you to waste your life worrying that you're going to die. Last thing I'd want is to pass my anxiety to my child. That's why I'm working hard on myself on this aspect. Still I won't stop visiting my GP whenever I suspect something is not right (you should also do so). Please don't overthink and stay positive. Wishing you the best and please keep us updated. 

  • i'm so sorry to hear all of this. i too am a young person (18, female) who has become a massive hypochondriac due to health anxiety. it's honestly so debilitating to live with, i can't imagine how it must be like in your shoes too.

    message me if you ever want to talk; best of luck x