high risk hpv positive and abnormal cells

im so scared and feel alone im 25years old and just had my first smear its came back high risk hpv and abnormal cells, ive been called in hospital for further investigation, please anyone whos been in the same situation give me some advice, my heads all over the place

  • Hi dollsky

    It can be scary getting a result like this from a smear test, but it’s really extremely common. High risk HPV is the cause of the abnormal cells, but it is a virus which almost everyone who has ever been sexually active will encounter in their lives and hopefully your immune system will be working hard to suppress it.

    It’s really important to remember that abnormal cells don’t mean cancer. The screening programme has picked up that you have HPV and it has caused cells to become abnormal, so you will go to the hospital for a further investigation of the level of abnormality of these cells. They will be classed as mild, moderate or severe cell changes.

    Mild changes will not normally be treated, and you’d be called back for a further smear in a year to see if they have cleared. More serious changes would involve having the cells removed-this is done in a simple procedure at the clinic and is a very common procedure.

    Try not to panic about this, hard though that may be. Abnormal cells can be easily treated and removed, and don’t mean you have cancer or are at any greater risk of developing cancer. x


  • hiya, thankyou so much for your reply.

    whats scaring me is ive been with my partner since i was 16 and been telling him since the age of 17 about problems i was having. heavy white smelly discharge everyday pain during sex, bladder infections lot, and not able to get pregnant. so on going problems, now thisx

  • Hi dollsky

    Have you never been to the doctor with any of these symptoms? I can understand why you’re concerned, having all these issues, and I really hope this is something that can be sorted out easily and isn’t too serious. Pease let us know how you get on, and if you need any help, please just ask any questions you need to. x

  • yes, been on a waiting list to see a specialist about why i aint been able to get pregnant, been on it 4years now. they wouldnt give me a smear till 25, its just so scary now this has came back and having these problems aswell. will let you know how i get on. thanks x

  • Do you have an appointment for the follow up on your smear results? I hope you don’t have long to wait to be seen at the hospital to get this sorted out and hopefully put your mind at rest. x

  • yes i have an appointment on the 7th,x

  • Morning dollsky

    Thats only a few days away, so it’s good you’ve not got long to wait. Try to try to keep yourself busy and distracted until then. x

  • Hey lovely. I am in the same situation. 

    I wish you could tell me right now how are you feeling ? I really hope you are doing okay. 

    My sister and I, we both have same issue like you and not able to get pregnant. 

    If you are about, I would love to chat with you and surely find loads in common. Xxx