Sternoclavicular lump

Hi All,

I found a swelling LHS clavicle joint to sternum 2 wks age. I have no pain but lump is hard, rigid and seems to be going up into neck. No injury, full range of movement with arms and shoulders, no weakness or numbness. Last 2 days started with tension like headaches, fullness in LHS of face, eye sporadic ear and toothache - short lived each time. Went to Gp and referred to hospital on 2 week appointment which is 4Jan. No weightloss, pain, runny nose, other lumps I can find in neck. No bloods taken currently.
Driving myself mad with worry, especially knowing possibilities.

Has anybody else had these symptoms and had positive results please?

  • Hi Kenco,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I can understand this must be unsettling - I know the uncertainty and waiting for appointments is not easy. It's great though that you have managed to get an appointment so quickly.

    Try if you can to keep yourself busy while you wait, to help keep your mind off any worries. Take things a day at a time. Meanwhile, if others here have similar experience to share then hopefully they'll be along soon.

    Take care and I hope that the appointment goes well,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you Ben for your wise and kind words. Keeping busy does aide well-being, nights when ruminating starts are the worse. Mr/Mrs Google so dangerous.

    Do you know what happens at you first consultation please, so I can prep and forward manage my expectations.

    Thank you again


  • Hi Kenco, 

    Unfortunately we are unable to answer this question but our cancer nurses may be able to help so if you'd like to find out more, do give them a call. Their helpline re-opens tomorrow and will be available on 0808 800 4040 between 9a.m - 5p.m.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Kenco,

    I have just read your story and it is very simular to mine, I wonder if you have had any updates?

    My story.

    I found a 1inch lump on my sternoclavicular joint last year in November, I have been suffering with headaches around my occipital area and pain in my neck for months they tend to come in waves for a few days waking me up at night.

    I contacted the Dr and they wouldn't talk about the lump as said they could only deal with the headache and I would need to call back about the lump, they told me the headaches were tension headaches and prescribed Co-codamol which doesn't really help.

    I left the lump as the Dr didn't seem to take it serious, in March I noticed the lump looked bigger so I measured it and it was 1 1/2 inch so I called the Dr, I had a video appointment within a week and he refered me to ENT, the appointment was made within 2 weeks, they refered me for a CT scan and blood tests which again were within 2 weeks and made an appointment to discuss results just over 2 weeks after the CT scan, I have the results appointment next Wednesday to discuss the results.

  • Hi Joolz,

    How did you get on at your GP appointment?  I have a large lump (approx 1.5 in) over my sternoclavicular joint.  Investigations are so slow.  I first went to the GP early July and then was referred for an xray which showed there was no dislocation.  I then was told there was no follow up required and had to chase the GP for a US as the lump was still there.  I've been worried for weeks as the US appointment was weeks away.  I'm finally going on Tuesday.



  • Hi M

    How did all you appointments go. I hope all went well.

    I have a lump similar, probably a little larger than you described. Only noticed it a couple of days ago. Calling the doctor this morning to get an appointment. I must admit I am a little worried.

    would love to hear your outcome.


  • I've got  a solid lump on my sternoclavicular joint, doesn't hurt but around my neck feels like pulling. I've had trays, ct scan, bloods , ultrasound to no joy. 

    Could be wear and tear. I now think it's swelling along my collar bone. Orthopaedics said they will see me in 4 months! 

    What is this? It just appeared overnight!