Help us design a new bladder cancer research study

We fund research into all types of cancer, and are currently designing a clinical trial to test a treatment for bladder cancer.  The clinical trial involves a number of tests and interventions that some patients may find uncomfortable.  So, we want to your views, especially if you or someone you know has had an experience of bladder cancer, in order to make sure that we design the clinical trial to be as kind as possible for patients to take part in.

You can share your views by completing a survey which should only take around 20 minutes.  You don’t need to have any existing knowledge of research or clinical trials to complete the survey and there are no right or wrong answers. 

If you'd like to take part in the survey, please email and we'll post you a copy of the survey. Alternatively, you can call us on 0203 469 8777 to request a copy of the survey

Read more HERE

  • Hi Sarah, I would like to volunteer for this survey, but I don't know how to reply to the request. My computer keeps telling me that my computer is not programmed for that client. I don't know how to program it. Is there another way for me to do the survery, e.g. through you, or could you have them contact me via my e-mail? I have had bladder cancer now for three and a half years and feel that I can offer some valuable imput to this survey.

    I look forward to hearing from you.



  • Hi Lorraine, I'm sorry the link doesn't appear to be working for you. I'm getting it checked out right away. In the meantime, this is how you get involved...

    "If you'd like to take part in the survey, please email and we'll post you a copy of the survey. Alternatively, you can call us on 0203 469 8777 to request a copy of the survey"

    (In fact just in case, I think I will add this info to the original post :) )

    Thanks for getting in touch and apologies for the inconvenience


    P.S. If that doesn't work please let me know and I will ask them to email you directly