Petition for Younger Bowel Cancer Patients

Hi all, 

Not sure if this is ok by the rules of the forum or not but I'm trying to spread the word and get the number of signatures required.  If anyone has a spare minute could they please sign the petition to give younger bowel cancer patients a better chance:

Thanks to everyone in advance,

  • Hi Beaker,

    Have done so and will ask family to do so as well.

    Take care Brian

  • Thank you so much

  • Hi Beaker,

    Signed for you.  BillX

  • Thank you so much

  • Hi all signed for you and I will spread the word to others.

  • Signed.  Let's hope it makes a difference.

  • Thank you Nicola and Maggie!

  • Hi Beaker,

    Have signed the petition and shared it on FB for my friends and family to sign.

    You're a star! X

  • Hello Beaker,

    This is the perfect place for your petition.  While my Dad was undergoing his cancer treatment one of my stepbrothers pals got diagnosed with bowel cancer in his 30's.  I understand he is doing fine now, but he had to push and push just to get his GP to refer him for a scan - presumably because it was highly unlikely he might have cancer.  Young people should not be being discriminated against in this way - unlikely does not mean impossible, the horse versus unicorn school of medical diagnosis views us as statistics rather that human beings - the sooner it changes the better.  Good luck to you, Katielouie x 

  • I'll be signing this. Monday 5th was the first day of my chemo but also 1 year since I lost a good friend to bowel cancer at the age of 33. She had so many symptoms but they were dismissed as IBS, post pregnancy hormones, chrones diseaseetc until it was at a late stage. When she passed away she left a husband and 2 young sons as well as her parents & sister. It's so important to stop the medical profession from thinking this cancer does not happen to younger people x x

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