It all started 3 months prior with bowel and stomach problems with my mum having stabbing pains, we took her to 3 different hospital over the course of the 3 months. They took her bloods and said her blood work when fine, but I knew something was wrong.
Her pain got progressively worse over the 3 months and she had a CAT scan to see what was wrong. The results came back that she has a mass in her galbladder. She was told it was unoprable and terminal. It shocked me and my family to our very core, I mean she is only 61 which is no age.
I've been getting progressively worse with stress and anxiety, often waking up at night with a hot flush down my body after coming round and realising this is realty and not a dream.
I feel sick, have nausea all day, random head aches and my eye keeps twitching.
I cant bare to lose my mum she is a wonderful human being, very kind and loving. Some days she is in agony with the pain and I feel uuseless. When I'm at work all I want to do is go and see her as much as possible.