Steroids for brain mets - what to expect

My Dad was diagnosed with lung, pancreatic and liver cancer last February, last Tuesday he had a seizure and the scan showed he now has brain mets. He is currently taking steroids to reduce the swelling. I just want to know if anyone knows what will happen once he stops taking them in 2 weeks time.


  • Hi Cherly9,

    I really am so sorry to hear about your dad, I am in a similar situation with my mum and just waiting to know what will happen?There slowly reducing the dosage but they seem to be working like magic and I really dread the thought of what's coming... it's heartbreaking

    Hope your ok & if you ever want to chat please feel free 

  • Hi 

    Thanks for your reply. I'm sorry to hear about your Mum. So far, he's been taking them for nearly a week and although he's had no more seizures he hasn't picked up as yet. He's trying to fight his tiredness and trying to jobs around the house. I'm just scared of what's to come. If I get any more information I'll let you know xx

  • Aww bless him it's just awful & good to hear the seizures have stopped, I know exactly what you mean it's the unknown & I feel like am constantly waiting for the next step but just don't know what that next step is... hopefully someone may have more information... my thoughts & prayers are with you all ️ 

  • Hi 

    Hope things are as good as they can be. My Dad has decided to paint today, he just won't give in to his illness. I'm feeling on edge and anxious all the time, such an awful feeling. How's your Mum? 

  • Sorry to hear about your Dad. Our Mum has Breast Cancer spread to Bones and Brain. Steroids were given a few months ago now starting with 2 weeks or 10 days at a time then a gap, the time off them was dreadful for Mum she felt dizzy and sick, not eating and didn't want to get out of bed then back on them a few days later she was Mum again able to get up, eating well, no dizziness, fuzzy head she described it as. She was talkative and taking part in life again. Between us, palliative care and Oncologist it was agreed she could stay on them. We were told the risks but decided quality over quantity was right for Mum. For us it's been the right choice. We are now seeing a decline after about 4 months of her on them but she got another Summer another Birthday spent with her children and grandchildren without them I really don't think we would still have her here for that extra time we are grateful. Hopefully you find what works for your Dad. X

  • Hi and thanks for your reply. I'm sorry to hear about your Mum, it's just so sad to see isn't it. Four weeks ago he went on a 6 mile walk and now he struggles to walk anywhere, everyday we look for signs that he's deteriorating and I'm constantly anxious and cry everyday. I'm due back to work tomorrow and I'm worried I'll not cope. I just dont know what to do for the best.