Severe stomach gurgling in palliative cancer



I've never done this before so I'm extremely nervous! But thought I'd pop on here to see if anyone can help... 

My mum has been battling ovarian cancer for 5 years. Unfortunately she had a relapse last year and a year of chemo which didn't work. She is now being treated palliatively (very early stages, literally had the convo with oncologist yesterday and final decision was made to make the referral to palliative nurses). 

mums cancer started with ovarian 5 years ago, throughout the years it has spread and she's had various surgeries to fix it which seemed to have worked (at the time). Here's where she's at, at the moment: we know she has multiple lung nodules, something showed on the lining of her abdomen on her last CT scan which oncologist said 'looks suspicious' too. She also had a small lumpy nodule at the bottom right of her tummy just above her groin. Also, she had surgery last year as the cancer was at the end of her bowel and she now has a stoma. 

now.... she is in A LOT of pain with her stomach at the moment. The pain comes in waves and takes her breath away, she says it feels something like contractions. Also, her stomach makes the MOST remarkable gurgling noises, it literally sounds like water whirling down a drain. She had a few complications with her stoma recently, so she is only eating very little... but if she does manage to have half a meal (last night she fancied a shepherds pie but only managed half) she absolutely pays for it. She's in a lot of pain curled up on the sofa. 

I understand this may be and probably will be a progression of the disease, but I'm just wondering if anyone has similar experiences? I can't help thinking that these stomach noises and constant sick feeling are some sort of indication that the cancer has spread more so to her stomach? 

please get in touch if you have any info :) 



  • borborygmi is (I think) the technical term for the gurgling. Doesn't spell like I recollect consultant saying it - have had to look it up. Gastro consultant wasn't overly worried about this (just prescribed something to settle stomach) with regard to someone i know who had the gurgling but not cancer. Also tried change of diet. Have you noticed if symptoms are worse after particular foods? suggest you get advice from gp. Things may be different for your mum because of her cancer.

    I do recollect the gurgling could be unbelievably loud. Used to remind me of a washing machine. Everyone in a room would hear it. 

    Symptoms may be worse because of not eating for a while. Mention all the symptoms including pain, severe gurgling etc to GP. 

    Also eat little and often not big meal after not eating for a while of things that are easy on stomach? So not mega-high fat or high spice. Sometimes it is trial and error to find what works best. And some meds from GP will likely help (best to consult GP not over the counter so can take account of overall condition including the cancer issues). Don't assume everything has to be downhill. Improve things where you canxx