How can I write a title for what I am about to say?
Where to start. My dad collapsed at the end of March and was diagnosed about a fortnight later with terminal bowel cancer. We were told over the phone and at the time they said he had one or two months. Writing it like that make sit seem so simple, but it isn't. He was on a locked down ward, and had come home, they said so that they could deep clean the surgery before getting him back. I was already with mum and due to the lockdown am still with her, which is a blessing as each day we go through a rigmarole of trying to get in touch with the practice or 111 to get him the right pain meds, and then the challenge of getting them. As dad went straight to terminal mum and he don't qualify for any of the governments vulnerable lists. So it's me especially as often he needs things urgently so it would be unfair to rely on community groups. And each time I go out I worry. He himself is in a really dark place - no chance to try and beat it, no options of surgery or chemo. With the lockdown, no chance to see poeple. Home visits are minimal and frankly we worry about what they might bring in.
The district nurses keep trying to get Macmillan in touch to support us, but we've heard nothing. I feel like we've been abandoned by a system that both mum and I - ironically - used to work for (she as a cancer nurse and me in cancer research. You couldn't make it up).
Is anyone else in this hell?