Terminal Bowel Cancer

My stepmum had been battling bowel cancer for just under 10 months, it started with brain tumors being identified. 2 days ago we were told that her bowel cancer in untreatable anymore and is therefore terminal. All we can do is treat the symtoms and make her as comfortable as possible for the time she has left. I am very scared and emotional, having lost my birth mother to breast cancer only 10 years ago, when I was 9 years old. I feel like I didnt understand what happened with my mum and now I have all these fears and questions again. I feel quite lost and helpless like there is nothing I can do, not only to help my stepmum but also my dad who I am also really worried about. Has anyone got any advice on how to cope with all of this? It is just too much for me to keep bottled up.

  • Hi Rhiannon, 


    I'm so so sorry to hear the news of your stepmum and also for your loss 10 years ago. I am also seeking advice on how to cope with the news of a terminally ill family member as my father has Stage 4 terminal bowel cancer. He is also having palliative chemotherapy and immunotherapy to ease his symptoms but the side effects are causing him suffering. I'm also very worried about my mum because she is only 54 and I can't imagine how life will be when my dad does pass. Even writing this seems surreal. I can't really offer you any advice as I don't know how to. All I can say is that I'm truly sorry, I personally don't keep it bottled up anymore, and I always feel a little better once I've let it out and told someone my worries. I just want you to know you're never alone and talking can help, even if it does mean crying to someone. What you're going through is devastating, but if you'd ever like to chat I'm here. Take care of yourself and take it day by day, it is all we can do. Wishing you all the best