Too unwell for chemo - advanced bowel cancer

We have found out, total shock, that my dad has advanced bowel cancer.  It has spread to his liver, lung and stomach lining.  We attended the hospital today to discuss chemo, only to be told that they felt my dear dad was not currently fit enough to start the treatment.  He is having difficulty eating as has no appetite and nausea and is therefore very weak and tired.  He has today started anti-nausea tablets which will hopefully help.  He has also started taking manuka honey as we have heard good things about this too.  Anybody have any other alternative remedies which they think may help? Any views on cannabis oil?


My dad's albumin levels are low. making him very low on protein, and this has caused his bodily fluid to leak into his abdomen and thighs.  He has a very bloated stomach which I dont think is helping with the nausea.  Again, does anyone know any ways of increasing protein in the blood which is the only way the fluid will absorb back into the body.  We need to get him stronger for chemo as without this, we have been told he only has 6 months to live.  We are heartbroken and cannot believe this.  We would be so grateful for any advice or help.  Thanks 

  • Hi and welcome to the forum.

    Sorry to read about your Dad's late diagnosis and the issues preventing him from starting chemo, I hope you manage to turn things around. Have you had the chance to talk to his Oncologist or GP about what dietary changes you might try to help him be fit enough for chemo? The Oncologist may have a dietician as part of the multi-disciplinary team who can give expert advice. 

    Both Manuka honey and Cannabis oil are pretty controversial, with sceptics saying they are quack remedies and supporters claiming they are miracle cures. Apparently New Zealand (the only place where the Manuka flowers apart from a small number of farms in Australiia) only produces 1,700 tons of Manuka honey a year but globally 10,000 tons are sold, so the chances of buying the genuine unadulterated product are slim. This article looks interesting

    This recent Huffington Post article about Cannabis oil as a cancer cure is pretty well balanced and gives both sides of that argument

    Best wishes


  • Hi Dave  

    Thanks for your reply.  I will have a look at those articles, thank you.

    Yes, my dad is going into hospital for a short stay next week to see if they can sort anything out to try to get him fitter for chemo, I think this includes a visit from the dietician.  All fingers crossed.

  • Ensure drinks give extra protein and come in a vaiety of flavours. I'm on banana myself and like the taste. And I've never liked any sort of juices. It's like drinking thick flavoured milk. Even sipping it would allow your Dad to have at least 3 a day and they're available on prescription.





  • Dreadfully sorry to hear of your family's situation. My husband has repeatedly seen a dietitian and only advice was Fortijuice. Every health care professional we asked confirmed my husband's opinion - they are vile. He is prescribed 3 a day. Try mixing them with sugar, 5 spoons of ice cream and strawberries in a blender. Going down a treat. In fact they kept him alive at his worst. Take to hospital in a flask if needed. Try the apple as it is better disguised by the extra ingredients. Hope this helps. 

  • Thanks for your reply Taff.  Dad is already on the Ensure so that's good that there is protein contained within.  Hopefully these will build him up a little soon.

  • Hi Seg. Thanks for your reply.  He's not tried that one but will have a look at it.  If it tastes vile though I'm not sure he'd keep it down with his current nausea/vomiting.  Anything is worth a try though thanks.