My dad died last night but I feel numb?

My dad died in the early hours of Sunday morning. He battled cancer for eight long years and fought so very hard. The last six weeks he was confined to a hospital bed in our living room, but it was only in the last week that he stopped being himself and actually stopped speaking and slept all the time. I was so so so close to my dad. He was my best friend and my hero and I loved him more than anyone in the whole entire world. I was heartbroken during the last six weeks and cried my eyes out. However, although yesterday i cried for most of the day, today I feel so unconnected? I feel like he is still here. I'm 21 years old, he lived with his wife and so I feel like he is still here, just in his little hospital bed at their house. I don't understand it at all. It's like my heart is heavy but my mind doesn't understand why. Every time I think about him or his death my mind goes all dazed  and I can't focus, I can't focus on his death at all. Is this normal?? I was so close to my dad that I just can't understand why I'm not crying all the time. I just feel like it hasn't happened. People keep saying how sorry they are & funeral plans are in place but i feel like it's not his funeral it's just someone else's. I'm worried this isn't normal. I was so, so close to him and I spent many a night crying about how much I would miss him. Can anyone offer any advice? I genuinely believe he is at his house and is still alive. The funeral is next Friday. 

  • Hello there LucyS544


    im so sorry to hear about your dad. It must have been such a hard journey for you to go through. Everything you say sounds very normal to me in my experience. I lost my mum to lung cancer almost 7 weeks ago and it still doesn't feel all that real to me yet. I think it's a defence/coping mechanism that our minds give us when you are feeling pain which is too unbearable to be real. I say to myself 'I can't believe this is real' because I desperately don't want it to be, I don't want this to be my reality. Although people tell you what to prepare for in the final stages, not a thing prepares you for how you feel when someone you love dies. I thought because I had time to get my head around things, well as much as you can, that I would somehow manage to prepare for the death of my mum but still even writing the words seems surreal. What I will say though is keep talking about how you feel, if there is bereavement counselling available to you then I would recommend it and just give yourself time and space to cry and miss him and think about him and talk about him and talk to him if you feel like it. 

    Although you may feel it, you're not alone.

    take care x

  • I'm so sorry to hear that, my dad died on Friday and I'm feeling the same, I wake up every day thinking it was a dream, we are arranging the funeral and my minds saying it's not real, my dad died within 3 weeks of his prognosis so I can't accept it really. I'm listening to his voice messages thinking il see him soon. I'm gonna see a counsellor to help me understand it. Sending you hugs x

  • Hello LucyS544,

    I am so sorry for your loss. Our sincere condolences from the Cancer Chat team. The feelings you are describing are perfectly normal and our page on Coping with Grief may help you understand the grieving process.

    Talking to others here who understand exactly what you are going through will hopefully bring you a little bit of comfort in these difficult times. We are thinking of you and of your family.

    Best wishes,

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator