I have just come back from a consultation with my very good friend (37yo F) and her NHS oncologist. She was diagnosed with Cervical cancer coming up to one year ago, initial treatments of chemo, radiotherapy and brachytherapy were successful and the cervical cancer cleared, however it is believed that the cancer metastasised during this treatment and is now present in her lungs, lower back and most recently in her bowels. She was due to have 6 sessions of Chemo and Immunotherapy, however after only 2 sessions she was scanned, and due to the latest discovery of the nodules in the bowel has been advised to stop all treatment. My question being is there anything she can do or any trials that would be available to her, I understand that she may need to contact you directly but I thought I would make the initial contact for you advice as I’m sure you can imagine she is distraught but this latest news.
Any help or advice is appreciated.
Many thanks