What symptoms should I be looking out for when the cancer starts to get really bad? I have secondary colon/bowel cancer that's spread to stomach and liver

I have secondary colon/bowel cancer which has spread to my stomach,  stomach nodes and my liver , people keep saying to me that I don't  look ill even though the chemotherapy is terrible and my appearance because of weight loss and really bad Acne has significantly altered the way I look. What sort of symptoms should I look out for when the cancer starts to really effect me being poorly and suffering I dread the day that I ever can't get up  out of bed and totally mobilise myself. I do suffer some fatigue and nausea and sickness during to chemotherapy but I'm really worried that all of a sudden I will hit a brick wall with pain because the Cancer is affecting my organs, I'm dreading it.

  • Hello Callzy75, 

    I am so sorry to hear you have advanced colon cancer that has spread to your stomach, stomach nodes and liver. We have information on our website on advanced bowel cancer including a section on symptoms of metastatic bowel cancer which lists the type of symptoms you might have if the cancer has spread to the liver for example. I would also recommend you read our information on living with advanced bowel cancer which will give you some guidance on getting support to cope with emotional, practical and physical issues when you have advanced bowel cancer.

    It might also help to talk things through with our cancer nurses so feel free to ring their helpline on this free number 0808 800 4040 - it is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. Our nurses will be happy to answer your questions and sometimes it just helps to talk to someone about all this and to get a little bit of advice. 

    What you are going through is not at all easy and we are thinking of you during this tough time. I wanted you to know you are not alone and I hope that you will hear from other members of our community who find themselves in a similar place at the moment. Do talk to your medical team about the fatigue and nausea you are experiencing during chemotherapy as they will have some suggestions to help you feel better and to manage these issues. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator