How has this happened - diagnosed under a year ago but too scared to ask how long I have left

Diagnosed just under a year ago now embarking on immunotherapy, what next it’s palliative so only one way to go just not sure haw long left and too scared to ask, my cancer has been stable although lost a kidney in February this year my remaining kidney has a tumor and I have lesions on my right lung and pancreas, what does that mean? 

  • Hi pete58,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. It sounds like there is a lot to process at the moment - I hope you are getting on as OK as can be. I also hope you have others around you to speak with, but either way we are a safe space on the forum for you to write things down and speak with others who may be in a similar situation or who otherwise understand.

    Hopefully my reply here will help your post to get some more replies from others on the forum. You can also search the forum (using the bar at the top of the page) for other discussions and people to connect with, if you'd like to.

    Do of course discuss any questions or concerns with your doctor. Our nurses are also available if you'd like to talk things through. You can reach them on freephone 0808 800 4040 - Monday-Friday, 9-5.

    We are always here if you need it. Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Pete think about this really hard first do you really want to know how long you have will it help the way you live and the choices you make or will it make you worry more and deteriorate I am pretty sure I would want to know if it were me so I could make sure things were in place for me and ready for me when my time comes if your wanting to know are you happy for a partner friend relative to know as well maybe make an ap to speak to your consultant and ask them they may not be a belt o give you a precise time but a rough idea and if this helps you then go for it maybe you can make preparations for nearer the end with pain relief and what you would like  to do stay home maybe hVe a chance to visit a hospice just for pain management  they are not the places many think they are they are are full of wonderful staff and people and it’s often a happy place to see . Whatever you choose please comes back let us know how you are sending love your way -Tina x

  • Offline in reply to T66

    Hi Tina, thanks for the positive message of support, I hope all is as well as can be with you. So it’s a couple of months since I posted quite a while when dealing with this insidious disease, I think I have reach a status quo really, living life to the best at every opportunity. Coming up to my third session of immunotherapy although daily meds are also happening, I was hoping to escape any side effects of immunotherapy but sadly not the case, but at least they seem to be side effects caused by the therapy and not disease progression. Decided to be as positive as anyone can be when it comes to debilitating illness, getting on with life to the very best of my ability, only hampered by side effects. Achy joints, changing eating habits to surpress the odd bouts of nausea but yes life does still go on had a great Christmas all the family so very full house and have planned my summer visit to Scotland. All looking good and hopefully will continue to do so.