Can't handle any more

I am in so much I just want to die no my girlfriend off 11 years only with my one year with cancer just so off my death 

  • Hello Forest1986, 

    I just wanted to say hello and let you know that we are there for you. You seem to be going through a lot at the moment and I just wanted you to know you are not alone and other members of our community are currently in a similar place and I hope that they will be along to say hello and with some comforting words as you seem to be going through such a difficult time. 

    Keep strong Forest1986 I know it's really hard as you seem to be in a lot of pain, but perhaps you could talk to your medical team about your pain relief options and see if they could help? This could make a great deal of difference in your wellbeing so that you are no longer in a lot of pain and there is information on our website on treating cancer pain. 

    If you are feeling really down and want to talk to someone at any time of day or night, don't hesitate to ring Samaritans - just ring 116 123 for free at any time of day or night - their helpline is open 365 days a year 24 hours a day. 

    We're thinking of you Forest1986 during this difficult time. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator