How can I support my Dad (50s) who has been told he has end stage cancer?

Hi All,

You can call me Chapers. I am 21, male. My Dad (50s) recently found out his cancer returned and is end stage with average survival of ~1 year. Of course knowing I will likely loose him is sad for me but what bothers me even more is how he must be feeling about it mentally and how he may be in pain in the future.

I'd love some general ideas about communicating with someone who is dying about there condition from time to time (especially someone who doesn't often open up) and ideas/ advice on how I should spend my time with him over next however long.

In particular these topics come to mind:

(A) Hope - I see online that being hopeful is good but I struggle to see how that's the case with accepting dying. Should I be hopeful to make someone who is dying with cancer hopeful too?

(B) Pushing for professional support - I feel my dad would benefit from counselling or some other support in relation to his cancer and dying but I feel he may resist these services as he had before when my mum mentioned it.

Admittedly this is a bit of a loose topic but I also just wanted to see who else was out there in similar situations or with similar concerns.

  • You are a very thoughtful son Chapers. And CC is a good place to start to support you dad and get some support for yourself.
    Getting some perspective on the dying thing, we are all headed that way. Your dad is very much alive and living right now. Don't perceive him as in a state of dying. Communicating just be yourself, the son he has always known. Ask you Dad how he is, you will find he is a lot more resilient and tougher than you think. Also ask him if he would like counselling don't just assume he does or worse force it on him.
    Do as much as possible to keep a normal life on the go for both of you and your mum. Ed