Partner diagnosed with Glioblastoma. Feel so unsupported and alone

My partner was diagnosed 4 weeks ago and had a debulking op this week. I feel so unsupported. So alone. My whole life has changed. 

  • Hello LC18 and a big welcome to our forum, 

    I am so sorry to hear about your partner's gliobastoma diagnosis and as you say this diagnosis can be life changing for your partner and for you as well and I hope that your partner is recovering well the debulking operation. I hope that you have some support around you, friends and family that you can rely on and have a look at whether there is a Maggie centre near where you live, you don't need to make an appointment you can just come in and they are cancer support specialists who will be there for you to help you anytime you need to reach out to someone. You will also find others on this forum who know exactly how you are feeling at the moment because they themselves have been in a similar place before which may not necessarily be the case for your friends and relatives. We have members of this community who have sadly been affected by glioblastoma in a similar way. I thought I would mention  's thread Husband diagnosed with Glioblastoma Grade 4 who found herself in a very similar situation and who will understand how devastated you are feeling by the news at the moment. 

    Another member of our forum  posted only a few days ago a thread on living with stage 4 glioblastoma and I hope that you will hear from others here who understand what you and your partner are currently going through and that they will have some comforting words for you as you are all fighting this together. 

    We're thinking of you and your partner during this difficult time. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi LC18,

    I’m so sorry to hear about your partners diagnosis. This really is a horrible disease and can relate.

    My dad was diagnosed in late March, by mid April he was in hospital having a biopsy which in turn turned out to be stage 4 glioblastoma. He was in hospital for a number of weeks when we finally found out the biopsy results to our horror he was told us it was incurable. Our world was shattered and I’ve never been as upset as I have been that day. 

    We managed to get him home to spend some quality time with him which he loved as did we. 

    I have my fingers crossed for some good news for you and your family. We sadly lost my dad on the 9th July surrounded by family and the last 3 weeks have been the hardest of our lives. I’ve always maintained hope throughout as every person is different but sadly it wasn’t to be for my dad.

    Thinking of you and your partner 
