My Mam has terminal Cancer

My mam has terminal cancer and was given a life expectancy of 12 months to live 7 month ago she has been coping amazingly and is loving amazing lady we lost our dad five years ago to cancer also and i can't a imagine a world without either of my parents I am so scared of what lies ahead in the forthcoming months and mask my feelings really well I dig deep to be strong for mam and the family butI feel helpless and don't know what else I can do to support mam

  • Hello MarkH, 

    It's so sad what is happening to your mam that she is living with terminal cancer and it can feel deeply unfair that this is hitting your family again when your dad passed away only 5 years ago to cancer. It must be really hard for you and it's normal to be scared about what lies ahead in the coming months. The feeling of helplessness you describe is one that many members of our community will know only too well. It can be tempting to mask your feelings and to try and be strong for your mam but it's important though that you make sure you are ok yourself and if you feel like it's all a bit much, make sure you give your GP a call and have an honest conversation about how you are feeling. 

    Our website has useful information for Family, friends and carers which I hope you will find helpful and there is also a section in there on taking care of yourself which is also very important and it's easy to forget yourself when you are focused on your loved one. 

    We're thinking of you and your mam during this difficult time and I just wanted you to know you are not alone and I will now let our members come and say hello and share their personal stories with you. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator