Hi, all.
My name is Heather and I am 16. I am reaching out in hopes that someone can help just to read this as I am going through a lot and would like to get some things off of my chest. My dad has stage 4 cancer and has since 2018. As of the last two weeks he has been getting so bad, he has developed jaundice, he is ill, obviously, and everything in my life seems to be falling apart. I just feel so lost and I really don’t know what to do as I am sitting PPEs and GCSEs soon and my school contacted the exam board multiple times and they didn’t answer, as well as the fact that nowhere is helping at all, GP, NHS, social services, privately, and school are doing the bare minimum. My dad’s cancer is currently right now destroying his liver and he keeps saying things that just don’t make sense and it breaks my heart into a thousand pieces. Just sitting and laying with him telling him that I love him because I don’t know if it will be the last time is so awful. I really don’t know why this is happening to him, to me, or to anyone at all. Not one being deserves to go through any of this at any age. I’m sorry, I just hope that I can talk to someone as all of this feels like it’s just going to get worse and everything is destroying me and my life. I just needed to tell someone or something or some platform about this because it feels like no one is listening. Social services called, spoke to me, said they would do something. Haven’t heard from them in months. My mum was worried about my dad the other day and called nurses and no one showed up. Is this real? Is this all really happening? I’m sorry.