Is it a death rally or just improved medication?

Hi All,

My mum has a Grade 4 brain tumour and has been steadily declining for a number of months now. She experienced quite a rapid decline since a hospital stint a few weeks ago and then last week started vomiting very regularly and coming in and out of consciousness.

we had the nurses and hospice come out and do an assessment and they told us we were now looking at days or a week with the way she was and that anyone who should see her should come urgently.

but they've also installed a syringe driver and increased steroids via injections. They told us because of the sedative medication in the syringe mum might not wake up again. 
but then since then today and yesterday she's been amazing, so so much better back to her old self, laughing and joking and even wanting a bit of food and drink.

I've heard of the death rally but it's such a huge difference and seems to have been caused by the medication that I'm wondering whether the prognosis of less than a week can still be right??? I'll obviously speak to the nurses but just wondered if anyone had a similar experience?

  • Hello kate44, 

    I am so sorry to hear about your mum and that you have been told she may only have days to live. It must have been a real surprise to you when told she might now wake up again to find her so much better and back to her old self, laughing and joking and having some food and drink. It does sound like the medication has had this effect and I hope that this will last for as long as possible and that she can have some quality time with her loved ones. 

    I don't know myself what it means in terms of prognosis but I am sure the nurses will tell you more when you next speak to them. I hope that you will hear from the experiences of others here on the forum who have been faced with a similar situation and seen their loved one suddenly perk up in a similar way. 

    Feel free also to give our nurses a call on this free number 0808 800 4040 - their line is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm and they may be able to tell you more about this. 

    We are thinking of you, your mum and all your loved ones during this difficult time and I wanted you to know that you are not alone and our community will always be there for you if you need to talk at any point.

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator




  • Hi  

    I am going through the same thing with my aunt. We were told it would be a few days about 5 days ago. She is the best she has been in weeks. Hard to comprehend it could be any day- any advice?