Will I die ?!

Hi all , have stage 3a lung cancer . Was only 46 when told. Has lobectomy on right lung and had spread to lymph nodes in centre of chest. Had chemotherapy too. Most cancer sites say stage 3a is not curable but is treatable. Have basically asked the question will I die but never get a straight answer! They say well depends on your age , how healthy you are , positivity etc.... Would love someone to just tell me how it is as want to get things in place and enjoy my life if only have next five years , can anyone else relate to this ?

Stay strong x


  • Hi there ...

    It's really hard hearing these things ..  and life is never the same after a cancer diagnoses... I had a grade 3 in 2017 breast cancer ... I've changed my outlook on life from that day ... l knew I needed to sort things out ... I arranged and paid for my funeral ... I even wrote letters to those I loved ... I did everything I could to sort things out ... it was a weight off my shoulders ...

    So then I started to live ... I took every day as a bonus ... I try to smile over something every day ... I don't look ahead ... because no one knows if they have tomorrow .... no one ... so instead of thinking that way , I live in the day and take each day and each problem as and when it comes up...

    I have someone I love very much in the same posistion as you ... she is packing her time full of memories for her and her kids and grandkids... they just stay in the day ... she is doing really well ... I'm sure not thinking to much about what may happen helps ...

    So hold on in there,know they probly can't answer your question... some live far longer and some not .. and I'm sending you a vertual hug.... there's lots on this journey... your not alone ... Chrissie x 

  • I've also been diagnosed with lung cancer, stage 4. I am 37. You read lots of research on younger patients who survive much longer but it's very unnerving when you see scary things out there. 

  • Hi Lolly. 
    sorry your here asking for advice at such a young age.

    How we morbid this sounds we all will die eventually. But it's how we Live our lives is the important bit.

    having a great support network around you is good. 

    These setbacks make you put your life into some sort of order.
    Cancer treatments are sometimes not a cure but to extend what life we have left. 
    some people plan things ahead. My mam and dad after cancer diagnosis pre paid funerals- pick coffin songs outfits etc . I have cancer too and I'm not doing a pre paid funeral. However I'm looking into getting a Will written. 

    take a day at a time.
    but Plan things .
    Set goals . My goal of each day so far is to get up and get dressed. Do bucket lists. Spend time with family and friends.

    What's that's saying something like

     Live today as tomorrrow is never guaranteed.

    We don't know what's instore for ourselves -I was moaning about work to my cancer nurse and she suggested leaving my Job as cancer diagnosis makes you evaluate life differently. So true there is so much more than being miserable at work.

    I'm kinda sick of hearing "your so Strong" " you've got this" and all I want to do is crawl into a ball and stay in bed. However I've set myself a goal to get up and get dressed.

    best of luck with your future.

    much love Efffie x