Hi all a quick explanation of my situation. I'm 19 years old and 3 months ago I was diagnosed with stage 4 rhabdomyosarcoma. A very rare and dangerous cancer. My treatment for this will involve at least 9 cycles of IVADo and radiotherapy in the future as well as maintenance therapy afterwards if everything goes well. My last cycle (cycle 4) was a very big struggle for me. I felt very exhausted and I felt quite sick for just under a week. This led to me having a very tough time with anxiety as when I’m feeling sick and tired I often worry about future treatment and how that’s going to make me feel. This led to me panicking quite a few times and struggling to control my breathing, having a high heart rate as well as being emotional and quite irritable. Now I'm going in for my 5th cycle today I'm terrified about feeling horrible again. They have removed one of my drugs doxorubicin becasue u can only have it for 4 cycles and also I've started sertralin an anti depressant to hopefully try keep my anxiety down. I'm praying this will make a difference but still I'm terrified about going in for chemotherapy again. Any words of advice would be appreciated