My son

Two weeks ago our lifes was shattered .my son is 24 had bad back pain which took him to a and e they kept him in and loads of tests to be told 2 days later he had sarcoma in his thigh which has spread to his bones and his lungs. We was sent to hospital. To get told yesterday its advanced . Its shocking to be told your beautiful boy may have 12 month or less. What do you . He can have pallative chemotherapy.  But i would rather he had quality of life .i dont want him to suffer this awful  disease.  His grown up life has just began it so unfair im heartbroken

  • Hi there and welcome to our little chat room...

    I'm so so sorry your going through this heartbraking time at the moment.... life is beond crule ... 

    This time last year we were going as a family to Florida... then a few days before departure, we found out my granddaughter to acute myeloid leukaemia... she was 17 then .. and instead of mickey mouse,  she had 7 months of chemo and radio and a stem cell transplant... we lost her a couple of months ago...

    So I know how heartbraking this will be ... your sons treatment depends on what he chooses ... it must be his choice, but I hope you get this year to pack in as many memories as you can .. make every day count..  and say all thats in your hearts.... share tears and hugs ... something l never got to do with my granddaughter as only mum and dad allowed in ... the last time I saw her , I couldn't even give her a hug .. covid is as crule as cancer.... they are hand in hand at the mo ...

    So I hope you get the year we didn't... our Jess was truly amazing and she smiled through everything... so I'm sending you both a vertual hug ... I'm here most days if you want a chat .... Chrissie x

  • Hi chris .how do you ever come to terms with something so shocking .my daughters called jess .your poor family my heart goes out to u . I just dont want my lovely boy to suffer xxx

  • Hi .... and I'm sorry, there's no easy way round ...  we all thought she would pull through as we were told 85% did ... I now don't believe those odds ... Jess was miss diagnosed for about a year, and I'll never forgive that Dr...

    All I can say is take one day at a time ... if we'd known we didn't have long with Jess,  we could have done so much more, instead she spent months of chemo etc ...  she has two little siblings so to be honest they are helping us through ... they are 9 and 6 ... so for them we will keep going even though our hearts are broken ... 

    I've lost 6 other family members this last year, a great niece to cystic fibrosis.... a sister to dementure .. an uncle to Parkinson's... and 2 to covid ... but none has hurt quite like our Jess... so yea on the outside, we look o.k ... but life will never look the same without Jess...

    But we know one day well see her again ... I'm sure she's looking over us ... when me and my daughter in law went to the chapple of rest, a butterfly stayed right by the window of the office we were in ... we were there bout 10 minutes ... then when her mum went into be with her, that butterfly went ... 

    So it effects everyone differently ... we just take a day at a time and hold on ... so please don't look ahead .. make every day count ... I'm here if you wanna chat ... and hold on to your Jess... she will see you through ... sending you a vertual hug.... Chrissie x x 

  • Hi chrissie liife is cruel .thank you for replying .yes i must think of the moment. I dont want to have long ambulance to the hospital everyday . And i feel my son will not have chemo . Everyday you wake and theres not enough time. He cant travel far and covid has destroyed  everything.  You get mixed up with caring.meds. and you forget your a mum to my superhero whos braver than all of us.....

    Need to make every day count i know.

    My jess is beautiful she lost a baby 23 weeks alittle girl called Elsie and like you i had breast cancer. You begin to think life has it in for you .these beautiful young people dont deserve this . Look after yourself .you have beautiful memorys. I will try to grab each moment just hard to see your son in pain .take care sending you a hug xx