Awaiting CT Chest/abdominal/pelvic scan results

In December 2020 I started to have some rectal bleeding and was passing massive blood clots 

I went to my GP who said that it was hemoroids and gave me some creams etc. He said with me being 36 that I wasn't to worry about anything serious. 

I knew that something wasn't right as kept getting terrible pains in my tummy so walked into A&E Dept at my local hospital. 
I was examined where the doctor found bleeding he then said that he would refer me to another hospital for further tests.

On 15th January I had a colonoscopy where they found a tumour that was restricting the camera going any further they took biopsies for further testing. 
Then on 26th of January I had a CT Colonoscopy and CT Chest Scan where I was diagnosed with a Sigmoid Tumour luckily there was no metastasis or synchronous lesion. 
On 19th feb 2020 I then had surgery - subtotal Colectomy with ireorectal anastomosis for proximal sigmoid tumour. 
i recovered well from operation and started to adjust to things after my operation.

I was lucky that I received my operation before covid outbreak and attended the hospital last week for a CT chest/ Abdominal and pelvic scan which I am still waiting the results for. 
I phoned the nursing team this morning who advised that my results weren't back as yet but she wanted to book me in for a clinic on Wednesday . The nurse advised that my specialist didn't have any other clinics available for 2 weeks but I'm just thinking negative and dreading it. 
Is it normal even if positive news for you to have to attend a clinic or would they just not give you the news over the phone?


  • Hi there Carrie,

    Waiting for results is awful.  I have scanxiety myself right now too and can appreciate how you feel.

    It's hard, but try not to read too much into the face to face appointment.  All consultants work differently from one another.  I have just changed oncologists and my current one is happy to give results over the phone (whether good or bad news) with my agreement.  My previous oncologist insisted on a face to face appointment for results at all times, both before and during the pandemic with no exceptions (even when I asked for a phone call).

    I hope those results are good news for you.  Take care.


  • Thanks Gemmy

    Yesterday I got a phone call from hospital to ask if I could come in today for bloods as my results were being discussed at a MDT Meeting this Thursday 

    I asked if anything was wrong and the nurse replied that there was a few things showing concern and changed since my last scan in 2020

    i was told that I have also been booked in for an MRI Scan as they would like to investigate a few things she said there was a thickening and a nodule where they joined my bowel together after operation, and what looks like a tumour in my liver. The nurse was positive saying that the thickening could be over healing and hopefully the liver tumour is benign  but I'm not so sure, pretty hard to remain positive. 
    so I'm going in today for bloods and are awaiting a date  for MRI Scan and to hear outcome of MDT Meeting 

  • So very sorry to hear that.  They are putting a plan in place to investigate further and it sounds like they are running with it as fast as they can. 

    I think you'd be forgiven for not feeling positive today.  All I can offer up apart from good wishes is the suggestion of distraction.  I can't read or watch anything too complicated when I'm trying to take my mind off things but find travel programmes help - Rick Stein or Simon Reeves on iplayer with a bottomless mug of tea.

    You've had a lot to deal with and come to terms with in a very short period of time, plus lockdown and the day to day challenges of your life generally.  Are you able to access any counselling?  It's not for everyone, I know.  I truly wish this wasn't happening to you.

  • Hi all, just a wee update I went for my MRI scan last Thursday and got a phone call today with my results 

    good new - only a cyst on my liver! Results getting discussed in MDT meeting on Thursday not sure if it will need removed or drained but feeling relieved that it's not cancer 


  • I am so extremely pleased to get that news!!  Fantastic!  Obviously some treatment for you to come, but at least there is a big sigh of relief.  Thank you so much for coming back to the board to say how you got on, that means a lot.  Just know we're here if you do need us or just want to see what's going on.  Take care for now x