Hi there,
I am a 25 year old trans man (he/him pronouns) who just had my chest reconstruction surgery 7 weeks ago. This surgery removes the breast tissue and gives me a more masculine chest. As a matter of principle, after these surgeries the breast tissue is sent off for a histology screening. For me, it turns out I had undiagnosed breast cancer in the right breast. A lot of the tissue was DCIS but about a 2 cm cancerous mass had developed. This has me absolutely stunned and terrified. I've not yet had my first consultation with the cancer team, but my surgeon said it was very unexpected as she didn't notice anything untoward during the surgery and was as shocked as I am. However she said the treatment would have been a mastectomy (essentially what I had) and oestrogen suppressants (I've been on testosterone for 3 years for my transition). So it all sounds as positive as it can be, I think.
However, I've since noticed a lump in my right armpit and on the right side of my collar bone and I'm freaking out that the cancer spread before the surgery happened? The surgeon said this would be very unlikely, but is unaware of these lumps. I have my first consultation in 3 days and I'm panicking a lot.
Finally, before all this happened with me, my mum got diagnosed with breast cancer that had spread to her spine just 3 months ago, at age 60. So we're not sure if it's genetic (I have an older sister too, so we're all very worried). My mum is doing well so far, and has had radiotherapy and is also on oestrogen suppressing drugs.
Basically, I'm an anxious mess right now and terrified of what the consultant is going to tell me when I see them. Is it possible the cancer has already spread?
Thanks for your replies.