27 and scared

I don't know what to do. I am 27 and was doing a breast exam two days ago and found a lump like a lemon pip under my nipple. Small round and non moving and painless unless i press really hard. I know it's unlikely to get breast cancer under 30 but i am so scared. Do i wait a week or two to get it checked or do i book an appointment now? In need of advice and reassurance! 

  • Elrc1983

    Hi,sorry to read that you have found a small pea size lump under your nipple. My advise to you would be to go to.your doctors to.get it checked out. I know when ever a lump is found we automatically get scared and think of cancer, but there are many breast conditions thst it could be ,it may be a small cyst ,it could be a number of things ,but its best to go and get it checked out ,as untill.you do you will not know what it is ,and if it was anything sinister it csn be dealt with and treated ,dont leave it ,get it checked out. It really is the sensible thing to Do let us know how you get on ..  


    Hi Elc,

    A very warm welcome to our forum. I am so sorry to hear that you have found this small lump. As Jasssscared has said, there are many reasons for breast lumps and, most of them are not due to cancer. Your monthly cycle an also cause breast changes, which resolve with time.

    However, I agree with Jassoscared. Get it cheked out with your GP, even if only for your own peace of mind.

    Please let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Keeping my fingers crossed for good news.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx