Thought I would post here of my positive experience. I was diagnosed with rectal cancer in May 2020 at 37 years old. Had a low anterior resection and ileostomy on 11th June. Was in hospital for 6 days. I hated my bag. Hated the restricted diet, it was sore as my skin completely broke down but no hernia. Luckily for me, no chemo needed.
August I had an X-ray to check my join, using fluids and a balloon inserted upwards!!!
Reversal booked for 23rd September. Had my bag just over 3 months.
I was petrified as all I had heard/read was horror stories.
Day of op, I was terrified.
Was a fairly quick procedure.
No catheter, no drips.
Up and walking within a few hours.
25th finally had a poo! Wasn't too great but I was then allowed home. So only 2 nights in hospital.
2 days of going to the loo a fair few times but nothing horrendous and no accidents.
I am now 2 weeks post op. I go to the loo maybe 3 or 4 times a day but it's solid.
I'm having the district nurse every other day to change my dressing and it's healing nicely. I'm also eating anything I fancy!!!! So hoping to get back to work in 2-4 weeks.
Was all very quick for me.
Hopefully my story can give some hope that it's not always bad :-)